
Gosick Wallpaper: Christmas Teetime

Carnelian, Gosick, Victorique De Blois, Vector Art Wallpaper
Carnelian Mangaka Gosick Series Victorique De Blois Character Vector Art Source

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

The new year began and I upload a Christmas wallpaper *lol* XDD
Why? I was really busy. I wanted to make a wallpaper-present for my friends Chrisp and Pulver :) But In the early December I was ill for more than 14 days :(. After that it was Christmas-time ( I don't know how you, but Christmas is really busy time for me). After Christmas was studying time for first exam on the University T_T After it was New year and the exam O_O that I finished last week.Oh, it's really hard to be a student ^_^'

Anyway I finished the wallpaper! x3 I'm so happy, but I could die too! @_@ It was my most difficult wall!
This work is dedicated to my friends chrisp and Pulver15
I hope you two like it, I did my best! :)

The wallpaper is really dificullt ( especially for me, a beginner xD). My work is divided in several parts.

The Vector
The vector is from monochrome scan by Carnelian. More about the vector => HERE

The Background
The hardest part was really the background. First time I haven't idea. Only to add the Christmas tree (SCAN). After that I got a briliant idea. Make a fireplace! :D
So I began scetch the fireplace and add the curtains (SCAN)
But It still looks so empty, that's why I added some extras ;)
Credits: Teddy Bear, Sweet1,Sweet2,chocolate,
Just hard work to vectoring it O_o But I still hate some parts! I tried to do it better, changed it or .....but It doesn't helped -.-
Really a Try my best!

The Mistakes
I know , that some part looks strange or some parts I could did it better! I really try to make it better, but I can't ^_^
1) the yellow cirle is really a carpet XD yes , looks strange and I HATE IT! I try everything! I added many pattern/textures......It doesn't help! :((
2) Problems with shine/light - I am not good to make a warm light. either too much or too little -.-
3) problems with perspective - I used the rules but some parts could looks strange :( The fireplace is a little too big.
4) I cannot do firey XDDDD

Anyway only with my mistake it is a unique wallpaper ( my wallpaper XD) + I am too lazy to change or edit something XDD
Thanks for reading my bad English! I know is horrible :D
Please comment and favorite! ;)


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  1. MisaSasekage Moderator Jan 10, 2012

    Aww, this is so cute^^ I like how Victorique's eyes look, though her hair does look a bit off because it gives off the look of being grainy (not sure if that's the right way to explain it), but it's not too bad and even with that I think you think you did a good job on her hair. I love her dress, it's very pretty and it's purple! Lol XD As far as the background goes I think it looks good, the sweets and the teddy bear around Victorique look good, but the fire doesn't have the glow you'd expect from a fireplace, it also would benefit from a bit more detail. The yellow circle doesn't really look like a carpet, because it lacks texture and the fire would look better if you added some detail to it and the lighting should be coming from the fireplace and maybe the Christmas lights as well, but it isn't, it looks like just a bright room and the things that should be giving off light aren't. All those things aside I think this is overall a very nice wall, keep it up :)

  2. SolemnSerpent Jan 10, 2012

    Small, pointed out mistakes aside - I think this wallpaper is wonderful. I love how complete it feels, and you pulled in all of the elements of the background very nicely. It gives off the atmosphere of an actual setting, not just randomly tossed in background elements. The only thing I've really taken a notice to is mismatched lighting in regards to the fireplace (not so much the warm colors) - the lighting is centralized, like the light source is facing the character, not behind her. Besides that, this is a great wallpaper. Another thing I really like is the creative placing of your signature, I love me some ninja!signatures. ;)

  3. DarkWolf2011 Jan 10, 2012

    wordless . . . @.@
    you're awesome >< !
    tnks for sharing again n.n

  4. angelxxuan Banned Member Jan 10, 2012

    it's so adorable ! unfortunately I'm going to have to agree with double S, the fireplace looks a little flat with the rest of the place, could be linked to the style you used, but that's the power of learning :) if we can't find faults in our own stuff then it'll never be perfect, it was elited after all ;) but over all it does mingle with the rest of the piece, it is a winter scene after all, my attention had fallen upon the items on the rug before the girl, the teddy bear was extreme detail, so overall I am most impressed with this :) hope not to sound rude on my critique :(

  5. Pinkya Jan 11, 2012

    waoh! this rly rly looks amazing <3 i love the vector n the whole wallie~ i can see the hard effort n work u put in there! x3 the colors r so peaceful n lovely~ the shweets <3 omg i wanna eat em xD
    u rlyrly have done a gr8 job! keep it up~! d^^b

    i set it as my desktop :3 looks gorgeous~ =>

  6. Mibelle Jan 11, 2012

    I can only imagine all the hard work and time your put into this. It really payed off as well. The gorgeousness of this wall really outweighs the smalls mistakes you made. And honestly, I could tell that was a rug without you saying...I think it looks just fine. I like the contrast of it with her hair and dress as well. Amazing work!

  7. Dionaea Jan 11, 2012

    Very cute, I love Christmas & this wallpaper, even if it's a tad bit late ;) Thank you for sharing :D

  8. MikuMasterX Jan 13, 2012

    Aw, now this is just awesome. The vector is nicely done and the background is well made also! Such a cute (and late XD) christmas wall. Very good!

  9. Pulver15 Jan 13, 2012

    D-dedicated to me? O___O
    I'm extremely surprised and so grateful! */////*
    Especially cause it's a carnelian wall! Look at all the details (I would die X__X) and I really like the colors you choos here <33
    Well there are some mistakes as you already mentioned but it doesn't disturb me at all, actually I like the bright colors here ;D The feeling of the bright colors would probably dissappear if you had made it more dark
    Thank you so much for this wall, it made my day! *big hugs*

  10. chrisp Jan 13, 2012

    Oh Kiyana you made my day! This is what I miss about minitokyo! Sure, here and there are mistakes, but they do not disturb me at all, as Pulver says. Awesome details, wonderfull choice of picture and background. So much love in every layer, I can actually feel and see your effort in every line. A high quality wallpaper full of love, thank you so much, I love it!
    Really, you became a top waller in this community and I'm so happy, that you're still here to show us your gorgeous art.
    Thaaaank youuu sooo muuuch for this! *hugs and kisses* :* <3

  11. SakuraMoon06 Nov 24, 2012

    This is a very elegant wallpaper! I love Gosick! Thanks for sharing!

  12. i9betviet Banned Member 50wk 1d ago

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