this picture is veryChristian encerio is very well miss your part to make a very nice picture thanks for sharing with 100th minitokyo give you batons
Artist Comment
I started off with a stock of sea, this is from deviantart, very cool by the way. I started with the sky used the diference clounds, and cloud brushes, I packed the tone color, and added a texture, bird also added brushes and some more stuff. The sea I I have done numerous times because wasn't liking the color, has times stood stark other very erased, but in the end it was good. It used the burn tool, brightness and contrast, hue/saturation, and added a texture. The scan I packed the color, and creating basically it. And by the end and put a lighting effect.
I used Photoshop CS2 This wallpaper is on my profile on
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glostimad Aug 11, 2010
trigun Aug 17, 2010
tranquility is shown in this work, great!
missmurderdoll Mute Member Sep 12, 2010
really cute wallpaper, thanks!
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