O_O, The wall is so beautiful, It's lovely, and like... i srsly love the sakura trees and the sakura colors... (the
only pink variation that i like..)... But you know... there's one thing... the lineart around inori's upper
lip, that's a turn off tbh. The lines around the lip is too sharp and solid, so i'd say soften it?... I really
don't like the black lines ;_;, that's the only thing that turn me off in this wall. Otherwise, everything is
I like how simple the background is. I like things simple, so it's a turn on for me =D.
And also there's one more thing... the hand that's reaching out in the wall, the lines around her palm looks
like the fingers and the palm is two completely different parts... like fingers and palms r detachable... (i srsly
don't know the word ._______________________. #noob)
Overall, it's a really beautiful wall. I srsly would make this my screen's background if the lips doesnt have that solid sharp black lines around them... (gomen Q_Q)