This is really nice, but somehow i prefer the one with lots of the colorful marbles. Mind if u made it into 1600x900 D:, or the same size as the one u put up :3.

2560x1600 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
if you prefer the original you can still get it here.
This is part 1 of the series
Yuki plays a RPG
I changed her eyes to look like they were staring at hell x)
There is no real theme or idea in this. I sorta just added stuff as I went along. It is open for your interpretation :) I did trial and error with a lot of techniques, so it took quite a while to finish.
This is perhaps my hardest and longest wallpaper.
I actually vectored Yuki a few months ago. It was my first time doing shape vectors (all lines are traced on both sides
then filled in, as opposed to one line then stroking). With little experience, it took quite a while; by the time I was
done with hair, I couldn't take it anymore, and alot of the lines on the clothes are single width (1 stroke). It
was a mistake. Illustrator screws a lot of stuff up when you mix Live Paint and brush strokes. I had to spend a lot of
time fixing errors. I struggled through gradient fills, too. Now I've had more practice, my vectoring has gotten
better and faster, but looking back, this vector turned out nicely still.
Anyways I finished the vector and let it sit for a while until now. I found a vector of a laptop I did for a poster contest a few weeks ago, and touched it up and recolored it.
Everything else is rendered in Photoshop. This took a few hours cuz of extra time spent experimenting. The balls and lines are a combination of brush strokes and blending effects.
I'm not sure if the balls in the BG look too messy or not, so here's a version without
I realize there's some empty space around the sides of the laptop, but adding stuff didn't improve the wall, so I'm leaving it for icon space :P.
This was partly inspired by one of my other wallpapers.
Colors of Miku by Prooof
Working Time:
-Yuki Vector
line art, 17 hours
coloring/ touchup, 6 hours
Vectored from this pic.
-Laptop Vector, 3 hours
-Background/Foreground, 4 hours approx
Update: It seems the scan is on minitokyo
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codon2 Jan 13, 2010
ngakyuklim Jan 13, 2010
wow thats cool XD its nice and colourful.
DreamBell Jan 13, 2010
Haha! This is a nice one. A PC within a PC lol~ Great job as this wall made my day into laughs.
From: Dreambell
kazamicojidi Jan 13, 2010
Yuki Nagato very lovely girl. i like that wallpaper. thanks for sharing.
mammonlovesmoney Jan 13, 2010
It is funny looked. Though it would not badly be looked as wall-paper on a laptop desktop and as though she leaves it
Sakura-Dust Jan 13, 2010
You forgot to erase a part of the red strings in the right, on the black bg.
The idea is creative, I love the uniqueness of it, I also like the version with lots of marbles more, it's not that empty. -
LystikinenaXP Jan 13, 2010
That's a shiny laptop, it looks very nice ^^. I like both versions of it, it was good that you thought of the icon space :). Sometimes it's good to have a little corner where to put them you know? I like the colorful marbles too. Great work~
MapleRose Retired Moderator Jan 14, 2010
Yuki! I bet she's very good at gaming (though I see her more as a mage XD)
Anyway, nice vectoring, the gradients on Yuki are pretty nice, though I think the laptop could use some touch-ups (a few jagged and blocky areas that should be smoother). (and lol I think I have the same laptop XD)
I love those colour lines, esp against the black background. I think I prefer the cleaner version, but I like how in this version it looks like the coloured balls look like they're flowing out of the computer :)
Echolen Jan 14, 2010
I love the concept! And the colors look really great!
grim000 Jan 14, 2010
wow this wall is so cool, the shiny laptop and the entire color scheme is what gets me
greenemerald Jan 14, 2010
this sure as heck will look good on my laptop! lol
thanks! love it ^_~ -
tekav Jan 14, 2010
amazing! thanks so much!
Nice resolution too -
SailorPokemon Jan 15, 2010
Very nicely done, love the uniqueness of it. :))
I prefer the version with all the balls in it, ( but the resolution is waaaay too big for my desktop >.<; ).Great job, love.
<33's -
nosfere Jan 15, 2010
I love the concept! And the colors look really great!
marismicha Jan 15, 2010
oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pretty
dementia Jan 15, 2010
incase you are wondering she is dressed as Altair, and the picture you are showing is that of Ezio same game franchise different people..though why Yuki would be Altair is beyond me
Emma93 Banned Member Jan 15, 2010
i like the idea aloot! it looks unique! :)
crmc13 Jan 15, 2010
love the idea.:)
and its eye catching to my eyes!
very well done!
+fav!:) -
NightSieger Jan 16, 2010
Wow! esta super genial, gracias por compartirlo ^-^
crimson-blue Jan 16, 2010
no need to ask anymore...
it's so FUC*^&*% COOL!....
damn!..this is the most epic and yet unique arts of Nagato that I ever seen!....
really!'s so damn cool!..
thx for sharing this one!..
It's masterpiece! -
rayyeow Jan 17, 2010
This is really so cool! I'm huge fan of nagato yuki and of course like this wallpaper very much. Thanks ^^
akika Jan 17, 2010
This is fantastic! I also love the other one you did~ very high quality XD
Raphaell Jan 17, 2010
So unique! :D
And pretty theme. :3 -
Akemichisan Jan 17, 2010
WOW! I love Yuki Nagato~ Really nice!
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