
Sola Wallpaper: Surrender to none, I shall!

Naru Nanao, Studio Nomad, Sola, Matsuri Shiho, Takeshi Tsujidou Wallpaper
Naru Nanao Mangaka Studio Nomad Studio Sola Series Matsuri Shiho Character Takeshi Tsujidou Character

2560x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Ahem... First of all, happy birthday, abul-san! XD
Late birthday present :) I was supposed to get it done by yesterday, but (as usual) found some other school-related stuff to do and couldn't finish it yesterday X-P So here it is! I hope you like it, abul-san! :D

Anyway, so I highly recommend the dual screen version, because that's the original. You can see the background better! If you comment, please tell me what you think about the background, it's the first time I'm painting clouds! T_T Yeah, I know, you have to stare at them for a while to see they're actually clouds, but that aside I think they came out pretty good for my first try ^_^'

I used this scan, because I loved it the moment I saw it! And in the meantime I found out abul-san likes it too and wanted to vector it XD Like you said, abul-san, one less scan to vector now :) In other news, this is my third Sola submission, because Sola rocks XD

That's about it then, please leave a comment! <3 All feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated! ^^

More resolutions! ^^
Original dual screen: 4000 x 1600
1280 x 1024: Takeshi | Matsuri
Wide screen: 1920 x 1200 | 2560 x 1600

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  1. moonescape Feb 01, 2008

    wow, I must admit I love the concept or the idea you were trying to create. =D Though something felt quite admist with the backgrounds because I mean it looks like some kind of action part of the story or something. =o Maybe its where Sola and that person are cut in half might've what bothered me the most. ^_^'

    Still well done and the outlines colors went well, but the colors did felt quite too pastel for this wallpaper. ^_^'

  2. abul Feb 01, 2008

    its soooooooooooo awesome!
    thank you soooooooo
    ooooooo much panda-chan!
    its like the best sola wallpaper i seen yet!
    i mean the vectors are awesome [even the lines] and the idea is great!
    the clouds actually dontlook like clouds but it looks like a fog and its even better thann clouds, its more scenic :)
    oh god, everythings prefect!
    thanks a lot again ^^ *huggles*
    +fave of course

  3. ASH-Hikari Feb 01, 2008

    Saw it at AP and downloaded it there :) Love the vectoring and the dual-screen resolution :)

  4. YoruAngel866 Feb 01, 2008

    OMPuppyEYES! This is fantastic! Awesome! Love the mist and everything!
    this is the best!

  5. Sinever Feb 02, 2008

    the vector is very well done & the bg looks nice :)
    keep it up ;)

  6. Kitaan Retired Moderator Feb 02, 2008

    The colors you used for the bg is
    weird :\ Like I think maybe you could switch
    it and give him the darker bg.
    But anyways, it's still good.

  7. xpilot2006 Feb 02, 2008

    Wow, awesome work. I like the dual screen idea, it's very original and really cool idea. Now when I get my second screen hooked up this will be a must have on both of them! I like the backgrounds representing each character, nice choice of colors and the rivaled characters that once faced off in the series! :D

  8. sakurals Mar 03, 2008

    it's simply cool and also very creative!
    You have a wonderfull idea making a wallpaper that reflect they first argue... Maybe another one with Mayuko when they make friends could be a nice idea too.. :)
    Well.. it's a fav for me!
    I also love Sola so much! And made a wallpaper of Matsuri if you want to visit it XD
    It's in this direction:

    -* The Sweetest Goodbye *- by sakurals

    Thanks for share this good work!
    And the clouds will improve! They're very difficult at first time!

    Kisses and Hugs!

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