*first fav and fav * =D
OMG! I love it! I love Matsuri from Sola!
Beautiful background and excellent vector!^^
Very good job!
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KiyanaIkebana Jan 15, 2008
drastikhate Jan 15, 2008
Luv the idea of the stained glass as your background!
It reminded me of the church incident straightaway:)
And the quality of this wally is great! -
YoruAngel866 Jan 15, 2008
so this was your wallie you talked about
Looks great!So awesome
alterlier Jan 15, 2008
uu, this dont happen to me often so thanks kiddo.
very clean vector and smooth lines, for some reason this time I like the contrast between the blurry murals and the neat vector and I also like the colors, purple+pink=cool but you know you can always try to change them from the original one, and well, thanks again, is always nice. -
mystvearn Jan 15, 2008
It works quite well. I would like to see a bit of depth in the background of the wallpaper, so that it does highlight the windows either far or near from the subject
ASH-Hikari Jan 15, 2008
Waa, you already know I love it! he background is simple yet fittting, and the vector is perfect as always ^^
pandemonium91 Retired Moderator Jan 15, 2008
Ah, yet another beautiful Sola wallpaper from you :)
I've started watching it myself and I plan to vector-wall a screenshot of Matsuri in the church, as well :)
But back to the wallpaper. I like how you kept it simple, the background compliments Matsuri and the whole wallpaper isn't too crowded (yay, space for icons!)
I know this is going to be on my desktop for quite a while ;) Thank you for the 4:3 version! -
erikamirou Jan 15, 2008
Love it!
love the background and how the vector looks like in it. The vector is great and even though I'm not very found of sola, love the image
Keep up the god work! (and why are you only posting once a week? >.<)
+fav of course! XD -
Idril Jan 15, 2008
wow sweetie! >_<
I just luv your bg with those windows XD!
Really a great and creative piece from you sweetie! ^^
+favs Abul, sweetie! ^^ -
Sinever Jan 16, 2008
okay as usual the vector is awesome :D
the bg is well done & I love the windows XD
well done & its a fav XD -
temarigenius Jan 16, 2008
Another great work from you~ ^^
YOu are getting more and more creative~ <3 your ideas for backgrounds~ X3
But why does your later works contain the depressing mood >< -
Kairi-Hearts Jan 16, 2008
omg it's matsuri! <33 I just love that pic! Soo happy that you vectored and walled it!
your vectors are always awesome, this one is no exception.
and that stained glass is looking so good. it's fantastic ^^ -
DarthTofu Jan 17, 2008
=] I'm somewhat annoyed that I can't watch and friend you at the same time. xD
hehe, funky stained glass windows. So random looking. :p -
LadyNebulaStar Jan 17, 2008
This wallpaper is a beautiful and creative. You did a wonderful job with the background and I like the idea of the glass windows around her. Keep up the awesome work. ^^
moonescape Jan 21, 2008
I'm glad that someone finally thought of vectoring this and making it as a wallpaper. :) Though the background may look a little empty its still nice in my opinion. =D
auel1124 Jan 26, 2008
I like the wall, but someway it looks weird, dont know if it`s the coloring or the outlines... but nice wall anyway :)
Lariel Jan 26, 2008
Interesting title. XD I think this is one of the more astounding sola vectors you've done (or maybe it's because Matsuri is my favourite character :D). Her hands on the bottom right looks slightly yellowish/greenish-though. Was it meant to be that way?
desertfox1943 Jan 26, 2008
she looks fragile
eternallegend Jan 29, 2008
i like how everything seems so sad yet the bright colours make it seem as though though there is hope XDcomposition:
the arrangement of the stain glass are done nicely and i like how she seems to be the center and the focus of your wall :D the stain glass on the top right seems a bit awkward since all the others seem to be focused inwards towards her where as that one is focused outwards away from her ^_^'colour:
the colours contrast is good and the bright pastel colours compared to the bold colours look nice :Dquality:
the vector is neat and clean although it seems a bit odd that she has a green and yellowish lighting yet the only lighting seems to be the stain glass windows which are bluey ^_^' there is a bit of spillage in her hair on the right [near the stain glass windows on the right, not the hair piece overlaping the stain glass window, the hair next to that one has the spillage ^_^']overall:
the lighting is done nicely and i like the way the stain glass seem to give off a glow XDextra stuff:
this is all just personal opinion ^_^' i hope i havent offended you due to my comment ^_^' nice wall ^^ -
ShirakawaKotoriCute Restricted Member Oct 14, 2009
Awesome... That'a a pretty picture of Matsuri...
The background colors are matching... -
Apocalypse Mar 17, 2010
????? ??????! ??? ????! Good Very Good Wallpapers! Thanks!
evilxangel Apr 11, 2010
Wowww is such a great wallpaper
arvinz Mute Member Sep 07, 2010
weeew, great wallpaper indeed, thx for the sharing
Atemina Oct 01, 2010
beautiful! I love this anime! I love this character!
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