
Cardcaptor Sakura Wallpaper: First Snow

CLAMP, Madhouse, Cardcaptor Sakura, Syaoran Li, Sakura Kinomoto Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio Cardcaptor Sakura Series Syaoran Li Character Sakura Kinomoto Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Dedicated to entity1660. Why? For many reasons. First reason, I owe her. Second reason, I still feel bad for vectoring a scan that she's doing. Most important reason? She's one of my great friends here <3 Thanks for always being someone I can look up to, my onee-san, and a role model for all other vectorers as well as me! :)

Also my entry for wings-lovers November contest. Theme: winter romance. (Okay, so it doesn't look very romantic. But it's Sakura and Syaoran, alone in the middle of nowhere, enjoying the first snow together.)

Now for all the usual description stuff, huh? Hm...

First off, this is the most time-consuming vector of my entire vector career. 29 hrs, beating my previous 22. I didn't expect it to take quite so long (I estimated 20 hrs), but I guess it's because I spend so much time on every detail. Even though in the end, you can't really tell. (Abul-kun said he could do it in 6 hrs; he's probably right x_x).I hate frills >_< There's all kind of lighting effects here, on their hair, the sword, even their clothes, but you can't see it much. 3 hours was spent on colouring the staff alone, because I tried some of that multi-layered vectoring that gives it a painty-look. My first time doing that, you can tell me how it went.

The original scan had text and boxes covering parts of it, so getting around that was a bit difficult...but I've done much harder reconstruction before so this wasn't so bad. I don't know what else to say about the vector except it took too long x_x

Now the wall. I tried some more painting. I know I'm not that good, but I'll improve, right? I painted the snow and mountains myself (I like the mountains on the right), and the clouds were part of another scan that I painted over. Oh, and the tree was from a Kanon scan but I also painted over it. I do realize that the wall seems kind of empty; however I realized the more I add to walls, the worse they get. So a nice simple wall will do, I guess.

(a) You might be thinking that for this to be the first snow, there's too much snow. Well you're wrong! What's ironic is that while I was making this wall, it snowed for the first time. And it snowed a LOT. Here's a picture of it just after it started, and it continued (it's still snowing right now, days later). Kya, I love snow! I was so happy when it first snowed...*goes into Fuuko starfish mode*
(b) You might think Sakura would be cold in this outfit. But I believe if she can rollerblade in the winter in her short-skirted seifuku, then she'll be just fine.
(c) It seems now that I adjust my monitor settings, you can't see the painted snow as much. I may update that later.

I knew this description would be long >.<

Vector Stats (...and lots of them)
Outline: 14 hrs
Colouring: 12 hrs
Staff Colouring: 3 hrs
Total: 29 hrs
Orignal Size: 5056x3619
Sakura Layers: 32
Staff Layers: 56
Syaoran Layers: 37
Total: 125 + 2 = 127

Wall Stats
Time: 5-6 hours
Layers: 8 (many merged)

Project Duration: Nov. 19 - Nov. 27

I hope you like you present entity-chan :) I know my walling skill aren't the greatest but I certainly put a lot of effort into it, and I suppose that's what counts :)

vectory vector-wallers celestial-luminesse timeless--rain mikos-moon-flower sakura--cb clampfans

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  1. ASH-Hikari Nov 27, 2007

    Texture version:


  2. norine07 Nov 27, 2007

    lovely artwork~ love the layout and the vector of sakura and syaoran~ XD and the background and colours used as well~ lovely~ XD thanks for sharing~~

  3. KiyanaIkebana Nov 27, 2007

    Woow! Is so sweet! I love Sakura and Syaoran!
    The vector is so beautiful! I love it!
    Great job.

  4. Saikusa Retired Moderator Nov 27, 2007

    That is a stunning vector! Larger than life & twice as fun! And such a change in scenery to the pure white snowy hills...

    Oh, I hate to say it, but you know that MiniTokyo has a clean version of this scan. But if anything it just shows how good your reconstruction skills are because it looks just like it =D

    Beautiful wall, fantastic vector, and stunning imagination. Love it!

  5. abul Nov 27, 2007

    im busy now so ill commennt later, ok?

  6. Kitaan Retired Moderator Nov 27, 2007

    Ahh, your lucky I love your works.

    Awesomeness strikes again, it's gorgeous <3

  7. Scampi Nov 27, 2007

    Another excellent vector wallie from Ash-san! It has beautiful lines and the color is great. I love the staff, neat and shiny. This should be faved by everyone!

  8. barara Nov 27, 2007

    kyaaaa! Kawaii! XD I love this pic! The background is so awesome :) And the outlines, so clean! *-*
    Great job :D And... I love Syaoran! XD

  9. Omone Nov 27, 2007

    wow this is just amazing. I love the atmosphere and for me it looks like a winter romance. the vector is perfect as always. And don't be mad, I would need more than 40hours for it XD
    And you painted again. you should do it more often. It looks really nice. Entity sure will you gift =D

  10. saki-xan Nov 27, 2007

    Wow! a painted wall *.* I love it, Great job <3

  11. abul Nov 27, 2007

    duh, finally have time to comment -_-
    well i actually hate this wallpaper cuz the bg is very badly done and the vector is the worst vector i ever seen XP
    hate it, XP

    now invert it XD

  12. entity1660 Nov 27, 2007

    WAHHHHHHHH, I'm ready to go up in tears now! WAHHHH....*sniff* *sniff* Sakura and Syaoran are my favorite couple, how did you know? And again...I WANTED TO DO THIS VECTOR! HAHAHA JK But thank you very much, I feel more special as a friend to you than ever. Thank you so much! I'm touched....=_=;

  13. aqiaqua Nov 27, 2007

    Wow, beautiful! A creative idea to shift them onto a snow field-thing! And the vectoring is so gorgeous. I love the shading on Sakura's staff! And amazing reconstruction job :D +fave and new desktop! :D

  14. Chloe Retired Moderator Nov 27, 2007

    Wow! The vectoring is so awesome and just so neat 0_0 Love the simple background as well =D

  15. LadyNebulaStar Nov 28, 2007

    The wallpaper is very cute. You painted this wallpaper? I think you did a wonderful job on that and everything else. The wallpaper is simple, which I like, and it is really nicely done and perfect. ^^ Keep up the great work. ^_^

  16. yalubluchay Nov 28, 2007

    love it

  17. gaara-no-shukaku Nov 28, 2007

    Whoah, I simply love how you've used multi-layered style on the wand. It looks gorgeous! Background is absolutely cool, snowy, fresh and it's fun! Flawless vectoring again, Ash. Simple at first glance, but high in details when fullview. Great work!

    ps. One thing though, the tree might look better if it isn't blurry.

    merged: 11-28-2007 ~ 01:20pm
    Textured version looks nice, but I prefer textureless one cause it's softer yet so pure.

  18. zaira Nov 28, 2007

    already seen this in AP and DL it :D
    love the vector + the sharpness and cleanliness ;)
    and the bg is simple yet nice! love the snow effects too XD

  19. x-lawss Nov 28, 2007

    This is so nice XD wow snow, ASH-Hikari your wallpaper look great :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  20. Hanazaki Nov 28, 2007

    I can't resist to fav this. Very smooth textures and it's got that 'happy' atmosphere. Feel like Christmas is round the corner. Another well done job Hikari-chan.

  21. Zaza4 Nov 28, 2007

    Cute! I love Syaoran and Sakura!^0^

  22. YoruAngel866 Nov 28, 2007

    this is so cute! Awesome vector wall as alyways

  23. MapleRose Retired Moderator Nov 28, 2007

    yay it snowed here too, and it stayed! XD

    Anyway, nice vector, very clean as always ^__^ I like the detail on the wand.

    Are they supposed to be sitting in the snow? 'cause it looks like they're kinda floating/hovering above it, esp with Syaoran's leg. I like what you did with his hand, having a bit of snow covering it to make it look like his hand is in the snow instead of just on top of it. Since snow is soft, and there's a lot of it, I'd think if they were sitting on the snow they'd be some kind of indent ^^;

    The tree, while it's well-made, looks a bit random and.. unnecessary, and it blocks off the openness of the perspective of the background, if you know what I mean ^^; Also, because the background is so light, the black outlines stand out a bit too much from it... maybe use a brown outlines instead of pure black to soften it a bit?

    Nice job painting the background, esp the snow ^^ And the clouds look nice too, though they're a teeny bit over-smudged, but that's okay.

    Anyway, nice work ^^

  24. ShadowDreamer16 Nov 29, 2007

    It's so cute. I love it!

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