Wow~ They are all so lovely <3
Awsome vector!~
merged: 09-15-2007 ~ 11:51am
Wow~ They are all so lovely <3
Awesome vector!~
1600x1200 Wallpaper
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I know it's so late but Happy Birthday SakuraShirayuki san ^^ GBU Sorry it took me a lot of time to finish it ^^
Hope you like it ^^
The moment I saw this image I love it, they are so serene and I like them all (esp Tomoyo ^^). For the background I didn't do much, I only vectored the image, though the vector itself took me so much time, and I hate doing the petals.
Time: 1 week +
Layers: around :70+
Scan by : Marissa
Browse Cardcaptor Sakura Gallery: Recent | Popular.
Wow~ They are all so lovely <3
Awsome vector!~
merged: 09-15-2007 ~ 11:51am
Wow~ They are all so lovely <3
Awesome vector!~
Very neat! I like the simplicity and the soft colors. Nicely done!
Cardcaptor Sakura will always be one of my favorite anime! The lines are very neat and the colors certainly represent the serenity of this vector. Keep up the awesome job!
what a lovely vector wall ru-chan :D
the vector is gorgeous :) the outlines are very neatly done :)
its a wonderful wall XD
well done its an "Excellent" Highlight XD
Nice... VERY NICE!
OMG! thank you soooo much! it really doesn't matter, that it's late! I'm sooooo happy you did this for
ot's wonderful and i'm sure the outlines must've been hell to vector but you did a splendid job! THx so
much again *kiss and hug*
WoW! Nice vector! I love it!
I love the colered outlines! They look so cute!
It's great! XD +fav!
Waaaaaaaaahhhh! So super cute!
I loved it!
Great wall! Great vector!
omg! really well done vector lovely, the colors are soft and nicely blended, and the lines are just wonderful~
wow, amazing vector. Great work!
Waii! You vectored that whole scan! Wow~ That must've been some hard work! And it really looks lovely! I love that scan as well ^_^ Great job, you really have talent!
Man, I was about it tell you how long has it been since we last like replied to each other which was when it was your B-day. DX
I've been waiting for a new post from you and I'm so glad you did this one. I really thought that should've been vectored too. ^^ And once again it's way better than the scan itself. ;)
Woah, I love this pic~ :D
Really nice vector work, and a great wallpaper too~ >w<
Chiharu looks the cutest!~ XD
Aww... Simply adorable.
The girls in CCS look really cute here.
The calm whiteness of their clothing compliments their peaceful look.
Definitely a fave!
Oh... Join our group: Wings-Lovers. Since your work has wings! If you join, I'll immediately put this as a featured work! ;)
CCS is so cute, hm... their sleeping face make it cute doubled !
The vector looks awesome. I love the simplify. =D
Well done again, rubenz-chan.
Awwww! I've always loved this scan. Great work on the vectoring, everything is so soft. Great job! <3
o_O this is freaking amazing!
as always thumb looked crappy [all the mt thumbs are so x_x] so i didn't want to download it
but when i sawe it in the popular section, i decided to see it.....
this is sooooo awesome! no! it's more than awesome! it's fantastic! XD
definite fave ;)
How cute is that :D its such a sweet wp. I like your vectoring, esp on the ribbons C:
The vector is amazing, especially on the hair! It gives really nice highlights to a very cute scan!
It's so great~
Tomoyo and Sakura are the best .
Oh my, I haven't seen Cardcaptor Sakura in action for quite some time. X-P Beautiful vector, the background, the hair, has to be tough. :D
Aww..It so cute :3
The vector is pretty amazing!
Keep it up te great job!
the vector looks wonderful and i like the way you used the soft colours :D the atmosphere is nice and peaceful in a way and the title suits really well :) lovely wall ^^
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