
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Wallpaper: Golden Skans

Noizi Ito, Kyoto Animation, The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, Mikuru Asahina, Tsuruya Wallpaper
Noizi Ito Mangaka Kyoto Animation Studio The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Series Mikuru Asahina Character Tsuruya Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Let's try this again...

TOTAL SONGS PLAYED :: 130! They currently make up my "Top Rated" playlist >D

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

FINAL VECTOR in all its un-revised glory :: tadaa


Me and Justin decided to take the ubiquitous Haruhi rocker scan and vectorwall it. I did the vector, he did the wall.

Needless to say, we had a fun, fun time with it.

Name of the wall is from a song by the Klaxons called "Golden Skans". It's fun! It's catchy! It's sci-fi-ish! In short, it's Suzumiya condensed in a song version [exempting anything Aya Hirano sings].

Textless: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v459/halcyonTwilight/wallpaper_goldenskanstextless.jpg [teehee, I'm leeching off of Justin's bandwidth]


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  1. entity1660 Apr 15, 2007

    Holy....Whoa....This is so...magnificent! =o I would never have the patience to vector the background. I love it, love it, love it! Kudos to both of you for all your hard work!

  2. Kitaan Retired Moderator Apr 15, 2007

    Awesome background <3
    Awesome vector <3
    Nothing else left to say, worth a fav.

  3. Melisandre Apr 15, 2007

    Amazing work, the bg is really good, congrats

  4. Chloe Retired Moderator Apr 15, 2007

    Great vectoring and the background is fabulous! Love the color of the sky =D

  5. Devilet Apr 15, 2007

    Finally, a high quality wallpaper of this awesome scan.
    GREAT job on vectoring, even though Haruhi's eyes look a bit weird, but w/e, should not bitch.
    I just want to blurt: I LIKE IT!

  6. SakuraShirayuki Apr 15, 2007

    gosh ! why did you use so many layers?
    and may i asked how big the psd file was? XD

  7. inREVERIEforever Apr 15, 2007

    You two did a great job on this wallpaper.
    Wonderful work on the vector and the background is amazing.
    Amazing wallpaper! :)

  8. sweet-cat-girl Banned Member Apr 15, 2007

    well made wallie.... love it.... fave

  9. yui20 Apr 15, 2007

    Wow ~~ tht's a really hard work to vector all 5 charas + the background >_> ~
    Impressive ^^ ! +fav ~
    I guess U would be tired after vectoring this ^_^' ~

  10. halcyonTwilight Apr 15, 2007

    Wow. That's an awesome wall. That vector is oh-so-awesome, and that background! I'm drooling with jealousy. Who did that oh-so-awesome background?!?! This wall roxors!11oneshiftone

    Oh wait. I did XD *smacks self* I was wondering why this looked so familiar =P

    Seriously though, this wall was fun to make. And obviously, +fav for an awesome, awesome vector by you :3

  11. ganstamonica Apr 16, 2007

    Awesome wall! The vector is amazing!
    Instant +Fave.

  12. ASH-Hikari Apr 16, 2007

    Oh my goodness....vectoring that must've taken a lot of patience! I only did Haruhi and I was dead after! I really admire your talent! The vector looks nice, although a little more attention could have been paid to Haruhi's face, but who am I to criticize XD
    And the background is beautiful and amazing! This is a definite fave for me! You two did awesome work!

  13. piggy-san444 Apr 16, 2007

    I've been looking for a decent background with this image.
    Problem solved.
    *bows deeply*

  14. eternallegend Apr 16, 2007

    wow :D everything looks amazing XD the background looks wonderfully done and the vector is nicely done :) both of your combined work is wonderful :D the eyes look a bit strange though [hope i didnt offend you ^_^'] i like the scenery and the atmosphere created :D the birds add a nice touch and i like the overall composition :) lovely wall ^^+fav

  15. enchantment Apr 16, 2007

    wow, this look really nice :D i love the background and you vectored them really nicely :D the sy looks really lovely and the birds are nice as well :D nice wall~^^

  16. rika23 Apr 16, 2007

    <3 the backgrounad and <3 the vector XP
    Although haruhi eye's look weird ^_^'
    Fav it nano~!

  17. Saikusa Retired Moderator Apr 16, 2007

    Really nice work you've done ther! It's kinda moody and atmospheric, while having that glossy look of being in a music video.

  18. MapleRose Retired Moderator Apr 17, 2007

    holy crap you're insane for vectoring all those characters XD... nice work! and great collab, the foreground and background fit together really well. ^___^

  19. LifeAndColor Apr 17, 2007

    Its beautiful. The setting is perfect! Reminicent of Beck haha.

  20. ReBeKiCHii Apr 17, 2007

    niiiiiice! great vectoring! and the background looks just perfect and fit well with everything else! great job!

  21. Serephia Apr 17, 2007

    Tehe~ Here's Sere from Tartarus telling you all over again how good you are! XP

  22. naturalnut Apr 17, 2007

    i salute yr effort and masterpiece!

  23. Lichking Apr 18, 2007

    This is NICE!

  24. ultimecia9999 Apr 18, 2007

    That is just awesome, Thanks so much for Sharing! FAV+

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