
Martian Successor Nadesico Wallpaper: Carmen

Keiji Gotoh, Martian Successor Nadesico, Ruri Hoshino Wallpaper

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This wallpapers is my entry for some contest of free-wallers and celestial-luminesse. i dont know very well how is this, because i am only a substitution, but i have the best luck, because samantha-dono is my captain ^^
the wallpapers was painted on photoshop cs2. only one layer and some like 10 hours of work
the scan is this Ruri : gothic dress by kyroooo

the theme is the gypsy euphoria; is based on the opera "Carmen" by Georges Bizet.
my captain say to me "Ohh so ulikey gipsys?" and i say "not really, but i admire this fact: they enjoy their freedom"

about the Opera: The story concerns the eponymous Carmen, a beautiful gypsy with a fiery temper. Not careful with her love, she is responsible for the downfall of many men. She woos the corporal Don Jose, leading him to mutiny against his superior. His infatuation causes him to join a band of smugglers, of which Carmen is a member. He is happy with Carmen for a brief period, but is driven to madness when she turns from him to the bullfighter Escamillo. (wikipedia)

i hope you like it

my groups ^^
hotness-wallies hoteru-no-shiki feathers-of-eternity colorfull-wallies celestial-luminesse free--wallersthe-dior

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  1. PinkPrincessLacus Feb 01, 2007

    YAY I love it, first to comment yay ! OMG I LOVE IT! Oh i love that scan, the theme, and since u told me about it that play or opera. That bg and whole style effect is amazing! Pure skill my friend. Thankyou so much again for participating in the contest for me *huggles*. Oh and yeap yeap Gipsys rule! Freedom baby XD lol. You did a great job on it, and everything is perfect! Love it, favs duhh from me ;).

    ~* Lacus *~

  2. Rhonda21 Feb 01, 2007

    This is really cool and I love the idea. Love the scan you used and I just like the whole look. great work!

  3. Devilet Feb 01, 2007

    This is truly beautiful, I love your concept, and how you did it.
    Quite stunning at full view with details, I can't figure out much to say.
    I like what you've created here.

  4. Sinever Feb 01, 2007

    I like the way you make your wallies :D
    you have painted it well :)
    & dont worry because you have my prayers with you :D
    best of luck in the contest :)

  5. schwindelmagier Feb 01, 2007

    This is absolutely great *_*
    When I saw the titel "Carmen" in my notifs, I first thought "This won't be the opera, will it?" and then it is XD
    I know the opera very well (subject music in school -.-)
    The colours of the wallie are fitting well together, and the girl with the dress really loks like carmen (except of the hair XD)

  6. ning Feb 01, 2007

    Nice wallie ^_^ Love ya work annakee!

  7. MadoshiKurefu Retired Moderator Feb 01, 2007

    Beautiful! You are very skilled! Great wallpaper!

  8. Fran Retired Moderator Feb 01, 2007

    ahh neko, habia pasado por aqui anoche y pense que si te habia dejado un comment pero parece que me equivoque... D:
    bueno pero aqui voy:
    Lo ame! it's gorgeous! i totally love the atmosphere you created, los colores todo!
    Esta muy bonito!
    fav for sure

  9. MasterPivot Feb 01, 2007

    One word: Gorgeous!

  10. Melisandre Feb 02, 2007

    Gorgeous, Miguel-kun, you did it once more :)

    Madre del amor hermoso, que preciosidad, me encanta! Como has tratado el scan, ese fondo con el guitarrista, es increible y es tan espaniol >.< Adorable, siempre lo he dicho pero eres el mejor y me alegro un monton de que hayan incluido tu trabajo en la galeria de elite, se lo merece.

    Ole, maestro! :D

  11. enchantment Feb 02, 2007

    wow, i love the colour scheme and the background looks great :D its painted really nicely and i love how you did the wall on an angle, it looks really nice :) nice wall~^^

  12. eternallegend Feb 02, 2007

    i like the interesting perspective of your wall and the colour scheme :D i like how you portrayed your theme and the painting is really nicely done :) the background looks nice and i like how everything fits in nicely :D great wall ^^

  13. Billy85 Feb 03, 2007

    yeah another cool wallpaper from annakee ;) hey you are done good job once again.i like her face and this raindrops are nice too.

  14. fidiou Feb 03, 2007

    Wow! Very beautiful assembling again!

  15. Danielly Feb 03, 2007

    i hope someday i'll reach your level XD
    ahh my friend it's amazing i liked the chara so much ^^
    once again your work is fantastic ^^
    +fav for sure from me XD

    merged: 02-04-2007 ~ 12:00am
    humm where's the DiOr banner?....

  16. onestepclosertonumb Feb 03, 2007

    Really beautiful annakee-san :D
    What's happened with the +fav button ? I can't fav itT_T

  17. Lum-sann Feb 03, 2007

    oh! A BEAUTY HONEY *_* the wall is so pretty and as such an warm scene, when i looked at this at the first time it was like *OMG is a BEAUTY* XD the characters are pretty nice i loved the way that u worked with the bg pretty well done ^^
    Keep it up honey! ^^ fav! and evil hug! ^^

  18. starrliteangel Feb 04, 2007

    so exotic! beautiful lighting and painted look. I think it looks a tad bit simple though..I cant figure out what that big blotch shape thing is on the left upper side. oh no WAIT! thats a person playing a guitar! wowwww. i am sooo slow. lo siento annakee-san. hehe. oh see see! even onestepclosertonumb was having problems with the fav button so its not only me ^-^ did i ever tell you i love gypsies? (and policemen too of course hehe)

  19. alterlier Feb 04, 2007

    le diste bien al transformar la tipilla que estaba bien diferente, incluyendo esa operacion en el ojo, el concepto lo trabajaste muy bien, el tipillo en el fondo quedo bien bakan, aunque como yo creia, habria estado mejor ponerle al menos otro tipo con maracas o algo asi, las ondas aunque te habia dicho igual que no me agradaba como se veian quedan bastante bien ahora por alguna razon, (nunca me dijiste cual era el significado principal de esas cosas), el estilo "pintado" sin duda muy bueno, nada extra

  20. thingperson Feb 04, 2007

    Oh my gosh i love this so much really its so creative i like the scan of her and the background looks great i love this.

    Oh and congradulations this is a Roses of Melancholy feature at HNS..*smiles*.


  21. pompoko Feb 04, 2007

    Excellent, original and pretty good scene.
    Good character choice.

    Hope we'll see other one like that.

  22. rythem Feb 06, 2007

    the face needs to be done more carefully because the eyes looks a bit weird and her nose seems slightly .. crooked (sorry xD; ) but overall this is a nice rendition from a simple scan . it's really wonderful overall , keep it up =D

  23. Angi Retired Moderator Feb 06, 2007

    She's not Carmen tho xD
    como es que pintas asi...

  24. sakuya-sama Feb 08, 2007

    Another gourgeus work from U, as always perfect ^^

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