
Crossovers Wallpaper: MY wALLY eNtrY

Kia Asamiya, Keiji Gotoh, Toei Animation, Broccoli, Xebec Wallpaper
Kia Asamiya Mangaka Keiji Gotoh Mangaka Toei Animation Studio Broccoli Studio Xebec Studio

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I think this wallie is a crossover. well this isn't from one anime siries alone. There you could see the characters from the ff anime siries: nadesico, galaxy angel, digimon, macros and more? ahahaha... forgot the others. well anyways, its really hasd for me to make this wallie actually this is my first wallie and yea, its a mess. I cut lots of characters from lots of pictures. this is a contest entry of mine from another site. Yep, i won but there are four people who have won but no rank... -_- it looks grainy right? well, its because i automatically saved it with a jpeg. I should have save it with a psd so that when i edit it, it would be a lot easy. X-P

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  1. PrairieDogGuy2006 Apr 26, 2006

    This is too sweet of a "wallie" ! With the next year coming soon ( only 249 days away until the year 2007 --Better get your "Wallie !" now !
    Okay, I noticed the year "2006" on your wallie, rats !

    This wallie is simply too kawaii, thanxs for sharing !

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