
Martian Successor Nadesico Wallpaper: Digital Fairy: Hoshino Ruri

Keiji Gotoh, Martian Successor Nadesico, Ruri Hoshino Wallpaper

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Ahhh... it's been a long time since I made a real wallpaper! Well, actually.. this is not really a newest ones. I made this few month back.. But since I'm still not satisfied, I keep it in my HD all along. ^_^'

Anyways, this is actually the first one of the three. The other two that I'll be posting later is Kamiya Kaoru from Rurouni Kenshin and Lacus Clyne from Gundam SEED. These three wallpaper had a similiar concept, which Ruri is the first one out of three. And the other two.. has been modified from THIS concept. ;) Well, those three had similiar posture.. so without thinking, I made a series wallpapers. >.<

Umm... nothing to say on this one. Besides, I forgot all the details when I made this. Gomen.

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  1. EldaLacus92 Jun 23, 2006

    *Yay* I'm first to post!
    Oh wow! That is so cool! It gives you the feeling of some how serenity
    and illusionary... Definitely cool! And I love those fresh colours! It's
    really, really excellent! Wanna teach me too XD +instant fav

  2. DepressedYoukai Jun 24, 2006

    The bg is really pretty! u did a nice job with the sky, ^_^ I love the stars especially

  3. Inuyasha-FAN Jun 24, 2006

    It's so awesome, favs.

  4. vastocean5 Jun 25, 2006

    nice pic! i luv the bg the most

  5. quantixar Jun 25, 2006

    gorgeous wallpaper EevaLeena! The blue whole blueness is absolutely awesome looking. Great job!

  6. enchantressinthedark Jun 25, 2006

    Its very beautiful and magical~~ especially the background and the elegance of the scan you chose ^_^ BAh, everything ish magical! XD Keep it up!

  7. Yureika Jun 26, 2006

    ahhhhhhhh ! what a B-E-U-T-Y fantasy wall u made eve-san !
    i love everything...
    starting from the scan the bg the aura around her.. wow...!
    the text is great too ..favs !

  8. riku-chan Jun 28, 2006

    Very nice landscaping indeed, the planets, clouds and ripples are all to perfection. I would have liked to see Ruri blend into the wallpaper more (perhaps remove her outline) ^^;;; but thats just me, great work on the concept, keep it up!

  9. jusuchin-corocoro Jun 28, 2006

    WA, a nice wallie... nice work there, eevaleena!

    it's been a long time since i last came around here, so this would be my first wallie d/l...

    the cloud effect is beautiful, and the sky as well... maybe a little too much lighting and effects, but it's still okay...

    nice job there! FAV

    Thanks for sharing!


  10. enchantment Jul 04, 2006

    wow, pretty, i love the background and the clouds^^ the glow stuff makes the wall seem magical and thus more pretty^^

  11. EverInTheShadows Jul 08, 2006


    Shadows: Great job!

  12. cassandraronald Oct 06, 2006

    wow this is a really nice wallie
    i love the bg XD

  13. fennytron Aug 07, 2009

    Again the digital Fairy, I love the effects, they are awersome!
    thanks for upload!

  14. MidoriXJade Mar 06, 2011

    Excellent effects on the image, congratulations.

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