Hi. I like your wallpaper and the explanation you wrote under the picture. I also love the series Honey & Clover. It is really touching.
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Repeat. To repeat. Repeating. Has been repeating. It has been repeating...
I caught a glimpse of this most touching, probably the best ever anime I've seen so far in my life few weeks ago. It was aired in Animax. :)
Honey and Clover. The best. I don't know what anyone else would like to say on this anime but I'd say that this anime is the best.
Okay.. hmm.. so I've been watching for some weeks now.. and I finally understood that Yamada had feelings for Mayama... he knew about it and yet he just doesn't reply her love. And as for Yamada, she turned lots of her admirers down because she only likes Mayama.
And so this wall is basically made according to how Yamada felt. At first I really don't get what does the Ferris wheel meant when it has been shown over and over again in the episodes, but finally I understood. And so I searched for a very suitable looking ferris wheel which represents Yamada's unrequited love.
To me, this is probably the only anime which gave me the strongest influence upon watching the whole episode. The whole plot is just too touching and sometimes unpredictable, it has my <3 I managed to make this wall out after watching Yamada's arc in the series, and no to mention listening to Suneohair - Waltz over and over again to maintain my emotions so I don't go overtrack from what I'm supposed to do with it. ^^
The quote in the wallpaper was by Yamada in episode 14 during the festival. Pictures of dry, aged clover and ferris wheel from Stock Xchange. Made a little adjustments on the stock, a little text and that's about it. I never planned on making it look fancier than this, but I think it looks nice now. ^^
I know this doesn't look like an anime wallpaper, but who cares. I love the whole atmosphere, and I guess you can try listening to Waltz coz well.. it matches quite well while the song is on. Hehhe.
*Sorry for the long crapping. But yes, another song-influenced wall. >.<
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Ardenta Sep 19, 2006
Kiako Sep 19, 2006
the wallpaper is very good,
the colours give it a nice atmosphere and the scene is good.
keep it up -
Chloe Retired Moderator Sep 19, 2006
The ferris wheel is really neat, but the leaves behind are a little strange.
But the whole idea for this wall is really cool. Keep up the great work! -
eternallegend Sep 19, 2006
the story is really touching and very sweet XD the colours used look really nice, i like the concept and how you portrayed your wall :) interesting title, great wall ^^
natsume44 Sep 20, 2006
I've been waiting for someone to make a Honey & Clover wallpaper with a focus on the Ferris Wheel. It plays a significant role in the series (kinda), yet doesn't get the credit it deserves. Anyways, I'm definitely using this as my next wallpaper after I get tired of the one I have now. ^_^
BlueAngel17 Sep 20, 2006
when I saw the ferris wheel, i knew instantly it was Honey and Clover. Then, watch Honey&CloverII; Yamada won't be alone. I hope she'll accept it though. >.< +fav
annakee Sep 20, 2006
fav and fav and fav and... like the ferris wheel turn around an axis, this anime make you turn to itself.
this wallie already was on my head, so when i see it was a relief. *touched*
u_u fav x 1000 -
fawna-chan Sep 20, 2006
It does look really good. The ferris wheel looks awesome but the leaf in the background does look weird. But i like the simple concept. :)
Elves Sep 21, 2006
I really like how you've angled the Ferris wheel. It gives the wall a new dimension - at least in feeling. :) I like your placement of all the elements, but the leaves in the background makes it seem weird. I like that they're there, but maybe if you placed the leaves lower to the bottom of the wall it would flow better. It's where all the leaves attach to the stem right in the middle like that which draws attention away from the Ferris wheel in my opinion; it seems odd to focus on a stem. The four-leaf clover in a darker green would also compliment your main color choices, the shade of green it is now just seems a tad too bright, but maybe that was your intent. Nice work of placing the text and I really like the layout of the Ferris wheel. Great job!
HaWaIIofHoaI Sep 21, 2006
it gives this off-wordly feeling that sometimes just happens in life.
Akaiken Sep 21, 2006
Fantastic wall Sofia, hope your inspiration's gotten up again even a bit.
Can't say anymore Sofia... my mind is drifting in the depths of darkness. Me longed for death nowadays... jya!
*adds to faves*
pegassuss Sep 27, 2006
Lovely wall ehpie-san! ^^ sorry for my late comment -_-' Anyway, I just love the ferris wheel, it's excellent. I love the tones of this wall and the composition is great ^^ The back is a bit weird but it's a nice touch. I really like the text, the font is lovely and the clover is really nice. Good job! ^^
yakushi-meikin Dec 02, 2006
i like this... it has a melancholic feel... suits the mood...
animefreek18 Mar 18, 2007
yuuramiza Dec 05, 2007
nice! fulls of memories....
jiop Oct 31, 2009
such a wonderful wall! thank you!
tsukiko1989 Mute Member Nov 03, 2009
thanks for cool wallpaper((=
zylfairy Mute Member Feb 12, 2010
Creo que esta es una bella metafora visual. Gracias por compartir.
Jalfred-kun Feb 14, 2010
thanks very nice image love Honey & Clover!
thank you very much difficult to find good contribution wallpapers of this anime -
Mozgoshmiga Feb 28, 2010
Great... Beautiful... Thank you very much...
KamiKonataChan Jun 23, 2010
Honey and clover very pretty anime, thanks for sharing
RoseyFanFan Nov 07, 2010
This reminds me of one of the ending themes in H&C ^^ So nice, thanks!
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