nice back round and nice art work on the girl.
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1280x1024 Wallpaper
Visit my site @ [GekkoNat] > [LP Studio] for additional resolutions, other wallpapers, scans, and GFX downloads.
Was originally 16:10...too bad MT doesn't have enough of us 1280*800 folks...
Browse Kao no nai Tsuki Gallery: Recent | Popular.
nice back round and nice art work on the girl.
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Is she a girl in a kimono? Hope it is... Anyway, I like ur artwork! Me putting it 2 my faves; thax 4 sharing! So kawaii!
lovely wall, the background looks really nice with the trees that seem to be blowing in the wind and the colours of the sky ^^
Another Carnelian walle , yayy, it's very cuteee >_<. Tha background is nice, it suit her well.
Thanks a lot for sharing.
beautifull pic! thanks
To me, checking out a Carnelian wallie is like being at the Lourve in Paris, France, checking out the best of the best ! Thank U 4 sharing !
esse wallpaper
wow I love your beautiful smile is truly beautiful and has an angel look really very beautiful, I love
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