
Kao no nai Tsuki Wallpaper: Priestess of the Moon

Carnelian, Pink Pineapple, Kao no nai Tsuki, Suzuna Kuraki Wallpaper
Carnelian Mangaka Pink Pineapple Studio Kao no nai Tsuki Series,Visual Novel Suzuna Kuraki Character

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Visit my site @ [GekkoNat] > [LP Studio] for additional resolutions, other wallpapers, scans, and GFX downloads.

Was originally 16:10...too bad MT doesn't have enough of us 1280*800 folks...

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  1. butcherwarlord Jul 07, 2006

    nice back round and nice art work on the girl.

    ading to fav

  2. DSL367 Jul 07, 2006

    Is she a girl in a kimono? Hope it is... Anyway, I like ur artwork! Me putting it 2 my faves; thax 4 sharing! So kawaii!

  3. eternallegend Jul 07, 2006

    lovely wall, the background looks really nice with the trees that seem to be blowing in the wind and the colours of the sky ^^

  4. Pladao38 Jul 08, 2006

    Another Carnelian walle , yayy, it's very cuteee >_<. Tha background is nice, it suit her well.
    Thanks a lot for sharing.

  5. edibrok Aug 05, 2006

    beautifull pic! thanks

  6. PrairieDogGuy2006 Aug 27, 2006

    To me, checking out a Carnelian wallie is like being at the Lourve in Paris, France, checking out the best of the best ! Thank U 4 sharing !

  7. abelini4 Mute Member Aug 01, 2009

    esse wallpaper

  8. animenintendo Oct 22, 2009

    wow I love your beautiful smile is truly beautiful and has an angel look really very beautiful, I love

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