
Kingdom Hearts Wallpaper: Stairs over stairs

Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts, Naminé, Kairi Wallpaper
Square Enix Studio Kingdom Hearts Game NaminĂ© Character Kairi Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

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Muahaha, so many KH wallpapers! >D

This one was for the battle: Ramen Armada vs The Morrow Days! You can read the rules if ur interested :p

Ramen Armada won! >__< YEAH!


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  1. Kiako Jun 30, 2006

    nice wallpaper, the ideea for the bg is good
    keep it up

  2. strangedarkness Jun 30, 2006

    This is really nice ^_^ great job. Is that namine beside Kairi? *add to favs*

  3. kyokujitsu Jun 30, 2006

    Wow, another wall with an awesome concept ^_^ I'm not quite sure what makes it so alluring, but it's beautiful ^_^ The 2D crowns are cool, and I especially like the flowy stairs. The two scans are beautiful too ^_^ Thanks for sharing ^_^

  4. nolove Jun 30, 2006

    nyouuu i saw it at AP but dont really have time to comment XD and now here......that's amazing with two main color >.< and you turn out awesome one like that...and yet i surely totally in love with this creature. if i dont see this, i'll never believe that yellow and blue can fit each other that much >.<
    wow and a fea at CW with 2 points for ya ^__^, seem like you forget the banner this time ;) hope you can edit ^_^

  5. Sandra Jun 30, 2006

    Extremely great !

  6. shiningdays Jun 30, 2006

    Nyu Nyu <3~

  7. Ayasal Jun 30, 2006

    very cool! I really like your idea, its very orginal! I love everything about this!
    good job and keep up the good work! nya! :D

  8. zephiris26 Jun 30, 2006

    Wow, this looks sexy, Yina!
    I'm still really sorry I couldn't participate, and I'm pretty sure it's too late to join, eh?
    The contrast in this wallpaper looks great! Everything's glowing. I really love looking at the two-color wallpapers for this competition, it just shows that you can still make something that kicks ass under limitations.
    Favorited. :)

  9. shyxsakura Retired Moderator Jun 30, 2006

    T-T this makes me regret not checking my AP pm box a month ago >-< kyaa..
    i love the awesome coloring in this one.. blue and yellow makes extremely sexy colors for saki babies~

    love the idea and the concept.. <33

  10. Chloe Retired Moderator Jun 30, 2006

    *hearts madly and adds to fav* Love the perspective ;)

  11. marcoskatsuragi Jun 30, 2006

    So amazing background... reminds me the OP. from KH 2! ^^

  12. pamkips Jun 30, 2006

    no wonder we lost T_T this walls rad and awesome......I swear some peeps T_T *cough* it's so preety, i'm so envious *cough* ^__^

  13. Joseph21 Jul 01, 2006

    I LOVE the wallpaper it nices but... namine face looks weird.. but the rest its perfect!

  14. HaWaIIofHoaI Jul 01, 2006

    whoaaaa... it's kinda dizzying but it's so coool. i like how they're sitting on the stairs and that the stairs are circling around them and the stars all over the place. =)

  15. RainWater Jul 01, 2006


    It looks so cool up close! XD So your color cheme was blue cheese huh? (get it? blu+yellow= blue cheese? harharhar..har?) Hehehe

    This is a fav! The whole thing is just so awesome! The awesomeness overflows!

  16. kai81220 Jul 01, 2006

    nooooooo, i missed it >_____<!
    by 1 day! ;;;____:;;;

    and its KH!
    so much exclamation! XD

    congrats on the win!
    now i hope my team can win too >_<

    its too nice for my eyes! X] +fav

    (namine looks a bit lq, kairi might look better by herself O_O, still love it)

  17. phamthuha Jul 02, 2006

    WOA! Rocking wallie Yina-san ^_^ i love it >__<! Yep yep your deserve the feature in CW, Love-chan is right ^_^

    Okay so for such a wonderful vector, nice color, nice blend wallie, ya got my fav :nya: Good luck and keep it up sweetie ^_^

    ps: umn the feature symbol is wrong ^_^ You can recopy it in the group.

  18. OracleAngel Retired Moderator Jul 02, 2006

    Its the stairs in Castle oblivion hehehehe and the characters well placed together although they seem bigger sitting there o_O
    Nice blues and yellows, hope you win in the contest Yina!

  19. fidiou Jul 03, 2006

    Lovely work! Thank at you.

  20. perlox Jul 05, 2006

    an odd twist, good.

  21. Zefie Jul 08, 2006

    so pretty dark blue background :D the concept is very cool, you put simple elements really effectively. stairs are nicely done, like the way there is different tones of the blue colours and the stairs are just like in the little part of the opening movie of the KH2 game (haven't played the game yet, only seen the opening movie). vectoring of the characters is really clean and neat. the light blue colouring makes them glow dreamly and the shading in them also changes colour from darker to lighter very well. yellow crowns gives nice finishing touch to it and are nice details. also the crowns gives counterbalance for the blue theme. great work and thank you for sharing !

  22. moonescape Jul 16, 2006

    Wow! This is so awesome! I love this a lot! I like the stairs part because it look like a maze and taking steps to destiny. So adding it to my favs.;)

  23. kirby52385 Banned Member Jul 17, 2006

    OMG wow that is an amzing wallpaper! that is one of the best kingdom hearts one I have ever seen. Major props to you!

  24. MyrrhLynn Oct 17, 2006

    This wall totally deserves to be in the elite gallery! I love how you made it kind of abstract yet detailed at the same time. The simple yet definately balanced background just makes the wall more powerful in my opinion. It's so freaking cool, I love this one!

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