
Kingdom Hearts Wallpaper: Diving Deeper

Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts, Sora Wallpaper
Square Enix Studio Kingdom Hearts Game Sora Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This was for The Battleground. Our army won this challenge!

Yina (aka the awesome leader of RAMEN ARMADA~) set out a weird challenge, i thought. i kind of wanted to strangle her for some of the restrictions D:.
the challenge was as follows:
1) Wall must be in two colours, with white NOT counting as a colour but black/grays counting.
Yina, as i know you will see this, i can now feel free to yell.
Okay. yelling done.
2) Must include 2+ characters
(was fine by me, yo.)
3) Must use an AP scan
4) Must include a rose AND a dragonfly.
I figured i could work the rose in somehow, but the dragonfly was beyond me. so i just made them real small and called it a day.

This is kind of a typical wall from me, I think. When all is lost, I fall straight back to grunge work without a thought. Stock (lots and lots of stock) from sxc.hu, but you expected that, no?

Text that you can't really see says "kimi o sagasu;" I search for you.

Kairi came from a screenshot. WHOOPA.

This was my first time doing a competition-eqsue thing; it was fun. :O Enjoy or something like that.

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  1. SharinganKnight Jun 29, 2006

    zomg. KH + grunge = <3.

  2. kiokorenay703 Jun 29, 2006

    nice i like it! Very cute! for btlground u say COOOl, very uwsom i like it! a lot! i love the grunge brushes! very coool, and the scan is ver cute too! Thanks for sharing it here on MT! its great!

  3. Sandra Jun 29, 2006


    Owwwww Mummyyy !

    This is sooo dammmn greaaat !

    The thumbnail is good but full view.....just gorgeous !

    AMAZING textures , luv them <3

    SO grunge lookin....

    And the bg *___*

    I want to make walls like this !

    This concept ! Where did you get it !?

    +fav :)

  4. Chloe Retired Moderator Jun 29, 2006

    Yes! Ramen Rules!

  5. Fainaru Jun 29, 2006

    Haha, I've recently made a KH wall too, w00t!

    I love the colours Great job.

  6. Saa-chan Jun 30, 2006

    you already know i think it looks awesome ^^

  7. Rebel-Soul-Kaze Jun 30, 2006

    Look...a coin xD, just a random comment to post and fav this, you know what i think about this wall, just amazing

  8. DREAM Jun 30, 2006

    merde, this is simply the best grunge wall i have seen in an eternity. :)

    minor crit: not sure about the "flower" layer as it lends itself to FF AC conotations but it's blended extremely well.

    + favs
    :tosses a lady shiningdays a red rose and changes desktop :

  9. fuyuu Jun 30, 2006

    Sora is teh love <33 I love this oneee~ It's so grungy and textured : D

  10. moonescape Jun 30, 2006

    Whoa! It looks so sad. I love the deep coloring of sadness. Makes me sad/happy. ^.^ Well going to add it to my favs. ^-^

  11. Yina Jun 30, 2006


  12. dingi Jul 01, 2006

    ..... 10/10 Godlike

  13. wert668 Jul 07, 2006

    I love the way of UXGA resolution. The design and techniques you used great job. The concept and the colors are awesome.

  14. raymi Sep 14, 2006

    Really good job!

    The concept and the maneer to doing your wall is impressive!

  15. Keiyan Nov 24, 2006

    Wow.....he looks so cool, calm, cold even but..... it's not a bad feeling, works that send off vibes to me when i see them always atract my attention, and this is one of them.
    Thank you, wonderfull wall, looking forward for more of your works!

  16. Anason Dec 25, 2006

    Nice wallie! I really like Sora, wait I like every character, as long as they are on the good side.

  17. lilluska Jan 26, 2007

    Nyaa~! Soraa~! He is so cute~! I love how the wall came out~! It's really beautiful! Favs~! -^^-

  18. yui20 Mar 05, 2007

    This is a really nice wallpaper ! Awesome, I can say :)
    LOVE IT VERY MUCH.. and Sora <333333333

  19. LuvsHikari39 Nov 16, 2008


  20. light-hei Apr 26, 2010

    Nice I like this did you et the cloaked figure from the promo image

  21. vivian Jun 05, 2010

    That's all i can say

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