
Yami no Matsuei Wallpaper: YnM [Tsuzuki 2.0]

J.C. Staff, Yami no Matsuei, Asato Tsuzuki Wallpaper
J.C. Staff Studio Yami no Matsuei Series Asato Tsuzuki Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hi! this is a new version of my last wallie of Tsuzuki (kyaaa I love him!) Well, I think is better than previous one but I think the wings doesn't match very well with him, could you help me? ^___^ thanks!

Sorry about my english >.<

EDIT: I put another wings! I think they are better ^___^ yay!

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  1. enchantressinthedark Jan 06, 2006

    Well, overall this ish quite nice....but the background ish a lil' too rough and I think the whole wall looks a lil' too busy ^_^' But great job at the wings ^^

  2. tian82 Jan 10, 2006

    Loo beautiful and lovely ! I like the flowers around ! But a bit messy, will be nice if can be a bit in detail around.

  3. shinorei Jan 13, 2006

    Yami no Matsuei. Hmm.. The guy is indeed very cool and handsome. XD
    Anyway, the background's is like a tiny greenhouse, and he's in it, looking at plants?
    I like the wings, but they're purple and somehow they don't really fit into his body.. o__O Um, you see like the base of the wings were somehow cut off and glued on his back......

  4. Millenia Jan 14, 2006

    Oh my! xD you are right! thankies for the comment ^___^ I'll do my best at the next time! ^^

  5. sukie Jan 15, 2006

    ncie the wings and the feathers are really prettu!

  6. annakee May 04, 2006

    concuerdo con eso de las alas; estan geniales ^^ lo que si... al fondo como que le falta un poquito de trabajo, pero de todas maneras es un bonito trabajo, eh.
    ya, que este bien ^__^

  7. Ryouko Sep 25, 2007

    whoah awesome wallpaper. thanks so much for sharing. ^_^ Keep up the fantastic work please.


  8. MysteryGreenTea Sep 27, 2009

    So, beautiful! ^^ I love it! It's very breath taking! :D

  9. shinigamilight Feb 10, 2011

    I like scan. Thanks you very much ^_^

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