Well, overall this ish quite nice....but the background ish a lil' too rough and I think the whole wall looks a lil' too busy ^_^' But great job at the wings ^^
Artist Comment
Hi! this is a new version of my last wallie of Tsuzuki (kyaaa I love him!) Well, I think is better than previous one but I think the wings doesn't match very well with him, could you help me? ^___^ thanks!
Sorry about my english >.<
EDIT: I put another wings! I think they are better ^___^ yay!
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enchantressinthedark Jan 06, 2006
tian82 Jan 10, 2006
Loo beautiful and lovely ! I like the flowers around ! But a bit messy, will be nice if can be a bit in detail around.
shinorei Jan 13, 2006
Yami no Matsuei. Hmm.. The guy is indeed very cool and handsome. XD
Anyway, the background's is like a tiny greenhouse, and he's in it, looking at plants?
I like the wings, but they're purple and somehow they don't really fit into his body.. o__O Um, you see like the base of the wings were somehow cut off and glued on his back...... -
Millenia Jan 14, 2006
Oh my! xD you are right! thankies for the comment ^___^ I'll do my best at the next time! ^^
sukie Jan 15, 2006
ncie the wings and the feathers are really prettu!
annakee May 04, 2006
concuerdo con eso de las alas; estan geniales ^^ lo que si... al fondo como que le falta un poquito de trabajo, pero de todas maneras es un bonito trabajo, eh.
ya, que este bien ^__^ -
Ryouko Sep 25, 2007
whoah awesome wallpaper. thanks so much for sharing. ^_^ Keep up the fantastic work please.
MysteryGreenTea Sep 27, 2009
So, beautiful! ^^ I love it! It's very breath taking! :D
shinigamilight Feb 10, 2011
I like scan. Thanks you very much ^_^
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