
Yami no Matsuei Wallpaper: On Butterfly Wings

J.C. Staff, Yami no Matsuei, Asato Tsuzuki Wallpaper
J.C. Staff Studio Yami no Matsuei Series Asato Tsuzuki Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Now....... here's a wallie for the girls
I've noticed how wallpapers from Yami no Matsuei are incrediably rare here (and on the net in general) so I decided to make one.

A had a vision for this one trying to fall asleep one night, of incorpiate a stock photo of a butterfly with effects and brushes over the top, for this image. This one actually had inspiration and planning behind it *shock*

So yeah, I used a stock photo for the BG, then went nuts with my brushes and filters. ^______^ and I mean nuts.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy.
And enjoy ladies ~_^
Hikari always thinks of you when she makes her wallies.


No other submissions


  1. sammo Retired Moderator Jun 25, 2004

    hikariiii :D
    the wallpaper looks insane, great job ^_^

  2. Noctum Jun 25, 2004

    I've got to agree with you, Hikari, this bg can only be done by somebody who's totally nuts. O_O
    Great work once again. :)

  3. Electrastar Jun 25, 2004

    Waiii Tsuzuki ...I wish I was that butterfly...humm...Good work as always Hikari.

  4. Cloudnine Jun 26, 2004

    nice wall hikari ^^~ love the butterflies =3

  5. Saikano Aug 10, 2004

    nice!!! i love yami no matsuei!!!!

  6. TsUzuKi Aug 13, 2004

    Tsuzuki san :] nia~ love tsuzuki...good wall ^^

  7. aria-chan Sep 05, 2004

    I'd really love to see more wallpaper from your other YnM scans - your work is delish! pretty pretty pleaaase? :)

  8. rozy Sep 22, 2004

    I LOVE this! It's really good!

  9. Naomi Nov 04, 2004

    Waiiii Tsuzuki *___*! He´s a great character and I love the wallpaper.
    The brushes are great and I like the butterfly ^-^.

  10. bucket-shot Nov 20, 2004

    What? ^_^' I haven't commented on this? Eep~ XD I remember looking-- oh well. I really love your idea of nuts, at any rate. That bg looks great! And you're right about that lack of Yami walls.. hn. The only thing I'll say is that the shadow behind the title kinda bothers me, because it jumps when everything else (inc. Tsuzuki) looks flat (though i mean that in the best way possible :) like pretty, pressed-flowers kinda flat) but I can't imagine it without, so just..ignore that ramble.

    Thanks! XD <-reading the start of the manga again now. *sets as desktop*

  11. Asakura-Hao Jan 09, 2005

    Even though I don't know much about the series, that guy is pretty cute! xD
    Love the flowers and butterflies and the designs and the...Well..The whole thing!
    Good job. ^_^

  12. irian Feb 28, 2005

    Thanks! There are so few nice Yami's wallpapers out there, you did a great job with this one. And Tsuzuki looks incredible :) The butterfly wings are a really good idea, they fit this image rather well.

  13. ajllybean Apr 21, 2005

    this is by far one of my favorite wallpapers. I just want to steal Tsuzuki out of the wallpaper and take him home with me. i love the use of butterflies as well. all in all its an amazing wallpaper. thank you!!!

  14. Mia May 15, 2005

    Oooh, A very lovely wallpaper. I like the colors and brushes that you use.

  15. esmerga Jun 21, 2005

    very nice artwork, thanks for submitting it

  16. akikaede Jul 30, 2005

    The wallie is very suitable for the series. Haha!
    Anyway it is a lovely wallpaper. Good job!

  17. happygreendragonfly Dec 12, 2005


  18. kristina1234u Jan 25, 2007

    Wow that is one hell of a gorgeous wallpaper X3! Thank you, I was looking for a really good "Yami no Matsuei" wallpaper and I found one! X3 I'll add it to my favs as well :D

  19. saraane Aug 08, 2007

    *squees* FAVORITE LIST!

  20. Ryouko Sep 25, 2007

    wai! butterflies and a hot guy, what more do people want? :) Thanks so much for sharing and please keep up the good work!


  21. Aruheri May 12, 2008

    WOOOOO Incredible *0* ahahaha i love so much

  22. FearlessLies Jan 10, 2010

    My ex-roommate is right. I'm a sucker for butterflies, ribbons, and blood.
    Thanks for the scan.

  23. denitoo May 21, 2010

    Wow, thenx, i really wanted wallpaper with this pic, arigatoo

  24. shinigamilight Feb 10, 2011

    Thanks you very much for scan ^__^

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