
Yami no Matsuei Wallpaper: Inochi no Tsuzuki

J.C. Staff, Yami no Matsuei, Asato Tsuzuki Wallpaper
J.C. Staff Studio Yami no Matsuei Series Asato Tsuzuki Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hikari here ^^ in Fangirl mode... beware. XD

Anyway, in all seriousness... I've been wanting to make a Yami wallpaper for quite a while, I got impatient and decided to quit trying to find a decent colour scan to use, so I decided to experiment with Black and white scans instead. I believe it's the first wall I've ever made like this too. Yay! Alas, that's also the reason this wall is so small.
Anyway.... the overall image I had for this wall has been in my mind for quite some time, about a good 3 - 4 months now, ever since I watched this anime for the first time.
I wanted it to be as dark and grungy as possible, to capture the darkness, and all the angst I possibly could.... because it is Tsuzuki afterall.
The text underneath the title comes from volume 7 of the manga. The title of the wall actually also translates to something like "Neverending Life". Because Tsuzuki actually means Continuation/Neverending in Japanese. Which really suits. A little something I found out on my fangirl travels. ^^
Also I purposely added the butterfly in the back, for reasons anyone who's seen the end of this series would understand. I wanted to add some rose buds in the BG too, but couldn't get it to work so I left them out.
So yeah........ saying anything more would be really spoiling, so I'll leave it at that :)
And that's about it, hope someone enjoys the wall.

Dedicated, of course, to the Yami no Matsuei fangroup *waves*

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  1. YugureKaze Mar 31, 2005

    WOW! this wall looks amazing O.o
    the white and black bg and character look so cool @_@
    wonderful work!
    thanks a lot for sharing

  2. cygnus Mar 31, 2005

    Tsuzuki + grunge = XD XD XD *fangirl mode on* It's hard to find a good colored anime/manga style scan, but there's many b/w manga scan that I like....and I like this scan of Tsu best! And really like the butterfly...*remembering something...* Definitely an eye-candy for any YnM lovers, and one of them is me ^^

  3. ynk Mar 31, 2005

    wow looks great :D! The chara upsidedown... brave idea I like it! allso the bg looks really grat^^ good job Hikari:D!

  4. darkwaterbunny Mar 31, 2005

    Whoa! A Yami No Matsuei wallpaper!! ;-; *tears* I didn't finish the manga or the anime v.v but this wallpaper really is something! I love the effects that you put into it! Everything really looks great together and I love the colors @_@. I'll leave out the fangirl part of me *beats her down with a stick* its all nonesense what she wanted to say anyway. Awsome wallpaper, I love the effects and colors you used. Everything really looks great together ^_~ fav from me!

  5. Electrastar Mar 31, 2005

    Nice. Black and white wallpapers are rare. Good ones are even rarer. I really like this alot. You blended Tsuzuki really well and your description was informative for me :D Thanks so much for sharing.

  6. irian Apr 03, 2005

    Nice Tsuzuki grungy wallpaper. * drooling *

    This looks quite nice. I know it's a pain to find decent color Yami illustrations. Thanks for walling this!

  7. Tirdaelyn Apr 05, 2005

    Oh wow, this is a great looking wallpaper. I have always liked this image, and it is easy to see why. Great job, the grunge really fits in. Nice job. +favorite :D

  8. OracleAngel Retired Moderator Apr 06, 2005

    Whoa ive been gone already and somethings been stirring up... I love how the whole bg melds witht he light chracter and the text is so godly...love it all together Hikari!
    Nice job as always! XD

  9. AngelicRhapsody May 03, 2005

    Wow...very nice wallpaper. I have so much trouble finding good Yami no Matsuei wallpapers...so I'm very glad that I found yours! Great work! :D

  10. Yuria May 06, 2005

    The wallpaper is very beautiful
    I haven't seen this image of Tsuzuki >_< I'm currently watching the anime so thanks for sharing the wallie!

  11. AyuTateishi May 21, 2005

    Amazing!!! I really love this wallpaper!!! I adore the picture of Tsuzuki and I really like the background!!! Cool...

  12. alexiel01 Jun 04, 2005

    Woah! This one's amazing! I love the darkness of the background and I'm starting to melt!!! >_<

  13. TinoLee Banned Member Jul 24, 2005

    So cool!! The bg is so nice! XD I think it's the most beautiful wallpaper in this ablum. :D

  14. agneslee Jul 24, 2005

    The bg is very nice.
    I really like this wallpaper.
    add to my fav.
    Well done.^_^

  15. lamilla Oct 04, 2006

    It's really cool, thank you!

  16. Ryouko Sep 25, 2007

    whoah great! I like it a lot. It looks confusing and yet fascinating. :) Please keep up the good work and thanks so much for sharing it here with us!


  17. Aruheri May 12, 2008

    Kakoi desu *0*

  18. opalish Oct 29, 2009

    Ooh, the texture is just perfect for the image. Beautiful!

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