WOW! this wall looks amazing O.o
the white and black bg and character look so cool @_@
wonderful work!
thanks a lot for sharing
Artist Comment
Hikari here ^^ in Fangirl mode... beware. XD
Anyway, in all seriousness... I've been wanting to make a Yami wallpaper for quite a while, I got impatient and
decided to quit trying to find a decent colour scan to use, so I decided to experiment with Black and white scans
instead. I believe it's the first wall I've ever made like this too. Yay! Alas, that's also the reason
this wall is so small.
Anyway.... the overall image I had for this wall has been in my mind for quite some time, about a good 3 - 4 months now,
ever since I watched this anime for the first time.
I wanted it to be as dark and grungy as possible, to capture the darkness, and all the angst I possibly could....
because it is Tsuzuki afterall.
The text underneath the title comes from volume 7 of the manga. The title of the wall actually also translates to
something like "Neverending Life". Because Tsuzuki actually means Continuation/Neverending in Japanese. Which
really suits. A little something I found out on my fangirl travels. ^^
Also I purposely added the butterfly in the back, for reasons anyone who's seen the end of this series would
understand. I wanted to add some rose buds in the BG too, but couldn't get it to work so I left them out.
So yeah........ saying anything more would be really spoiling, so I'll leave it at that :)
And that's about it, hope someone enjoys the wall.
Dedicated, of course, to the Yami no Matsuei fangroup *waves*
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YugureKaze Mar 31, 2005
cygnus Mar 31, 2005
Tsuzuki + grunge = XD XD XD *fangirl mode on* It's hard to find a good colored anime/manga style scan, but there's many b/w manga scan that I like....and I like this scan of Tsu best! And really like the butterfly...*remembering something...* Definitely an eye-candy for any YnM lovers, and one of them is me ^^
ynk Mar 31, 2005
wow looks great :D! The chara upsidedown... brave idea I like it! allso the bg looks really grat^^ good job Hikari:D!
darkwaterbunny Mar 31, 2005
Whoa! A Yami No Matsuei wallpaper!! ;-; *tears* I didn't finish the manga or the anime v.v but this wallpaper really is something! I love the effects that you put into it! Everything really looks great together and I love the colors @_@. I'll leave out the fangirl part of me *beats her down with a stick* its all nonesense what she wanted to say anyway. Awsome wallpaper, I love the effects and colors you used. Everything really looks great together ^_~ fav from me!
Electrastar Mar 31, 2005
Nice. Black and white wallpapers are rare. Good ones are even rarer. I really like this alot. You blended Tsuzuki really well and your description was informative for me :D Thanks so much for sharing.
irian Apr 03, 2005
Nice Tsuzuki grungy wallpaper. * drooling *
This looks quite nice. I know it's a pain to find decent color Yami illustrations. Thanks for walling this!
Tirdaelyn Apr 05, 2005
Oh wow, this is a great looking wallpaper. I have always liked this image, and it is easy to see why. Great job, the grunge really fits in. Nice job. +favorite :D
OracleAngel Retired Moderator Apr 06, 2005
Whoa ive been gone already and somethings been stirring up... I love how the whole bg melds witht he light chracter and the text is so it all together Hikari!
Nice job as always! XD -
AngelicRhapsody May 03, 2005
Wow...very nice wallpaper. I have so much trouble finding good Yami no Matsuei I'm very glad that I found yours! Great work! :D
Yuria May 06, 2005
The wallpaper is very beautiful
I haven't seen this image of Tsuzuki >_< I'm currently watching the anime so thanks for sharing the wallie! -
AyuTateishi May 21, 2005
Amazing!!! I really love this wallpaper!!! I adore the picture of Tsuzuki and I really like the background!!! Cool...
alexiel01 Jun 04, 2005
Woah! This one's amazing! I love the darkness of the background and I'm starting to melt!!! >_<
TinoLee Banned Member Jul 24, 2005
So cool!! The bg is so nice! XD I think it's the most beautiful wallpaper in this ablum. :D
agneslee Jul 24, 2005
The bg is very nice.
I really like this wallpaper.
add to my fav.
Well done.^_^ -
lamilla Oct 04, 2006
It's really cool, thank you!
Ryouko Sep 25, 2007
whoah great! I like it a lot. It looks confusing and yet fascinating. :) Please keep up the good work and thanks so much for sharing it here with us!
Aruheri May 12, 2008
Kakoi desu *0*
opalish Oct 29, 2009
Ooh, the texture is just perfect for the image. Beautiful!
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