i think the background looks fantastic, matches really well with the scan.

1600x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
(Okay. So, let's try this new system out, and see how it's doing.)
This is my most recent creation - and a sequence of sorts of a previous Ah! Megamisama wallpaper of mine. Since I haven't submitted any walls for critique in a few months, I've grown potentially rusty and lazy; therefore, as, per now, I have little confidence in my own quality sense, I welcome constructive criticism.
One known issue: this first line of text is quite unreadable, I know. However, notice it's in an area of color variation - no colour looked perfectly readable. Sure, I could have moved it to the left, but that would keep me from making a 1280x1024 version...
For the record, the background is mostly composed by overlapped photos, with a few softlighted brushes and Shinta's tree. Yes, again. Go, me. The overlapped textures help to hide the so-so scan quality, since I don't really have enough free time to vector anymore >_>
Other resolutions available at Lanzenritter.
Chosen by and Saikusa
Oh that's beautiful! You kbnow what, it's so rare to see an AMG with grunged textures and muted colours. I wouldn't have dreamt of doing that (but I'm a walling newb). It's fantastic! A definitely download, save to PC & a fav... and kudos for the imagination & beautiful creation ^.^
Proposed by and highlighted by Saikusa.
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melonbrust Oct 30, 2005
ShiNN Oct 30, 2005
Glad to see you still alive and kickin, buddy! I've been missing your works. This wallpaper is pretty nice, I like its greenish tone and I love the typo. Only complaint is that maybe it's a tad bit too foggy on the lower right corner... I am not saying to remove it but you could maybe low its opacity a bit. It should also make the text more readable around the central area. But that's it. Lovely wallpaper. :)
Milkiyo Oct 30, 2005
erm...the texture is nice but there's too much fog which makes it look half done.
oh,nice blend of colours too.. -
lthnadml Oct 30, 2005
Very nice work. The backround is excellent, nice colors too. . . XD XD XD
g0dKiLLaH Oct 31, 2005
Stunning job of meshing the scan and the background. One complaint would be is that the YOU in the "i have waited for you" is kind of hard to see due to the white fog. good job
chingetscook Oct 31, 2005
Relax, your own quality sense is still pretty effective, yeah the end of the first line is a bit hard to read but it doesn't really detract from the wall any. Good work, see ya around.
Kiako Oct 31, 2005
nice wallpaper the texture is good and the colors look good too. and the way you placed the text is good too. but some places are a bit hard to read.
meteorcloud Oct 31, 2005
I'ts alive~! lol nice comeback again xD the wall looks nice, it got its mysterious effects, but...just....also kinda blurry =O and I think the sky could be more stable...not so random with holes (if you know what I'm saying XD)
Aurore Oct 31, 2005
Whaaaa, so cute! Really great work, +fav
speedfreek19 Oct 31, 2005
I love this alot, its my new wallpaper :D, the effects you used and the overall image, sorta has a dark feel to the left then to the right its totally different, a good contrast IMO
kakitsubata Oct 31, 2005
i love your use of desaturated colours, really gives it a special oldish kind of feeling. everything's perfect apart from the "you", which is kinda invisible, and the overpowering white in the bottom left corner. great work! *thumbs up*
jocelyn08 Oct 31, 2005
the background and da desatured colours make the wallie looks fantastic^^
Cajime Oct 31, 2005
Welcome back :) This is very nice, I like it a lot... got nothing bad to say about it XD +fave
TrinityLi Oct 31, 2005
Your skills aren't rusty at all! This is REALLY good. I love the colors and especially the texture, it makes the wall look so soft. I love it! You get a fav from me! :)
eriolcorporation Oct 31, 2005
versu beautiful
Saikusa Retired Moderator Oct 31, 2005
Oh that's beautiful! You kbnow what, it's so rare to see an AMG with grunged textures and muted colours. I wouldn't have dreamt of doing that (but I'm a walling newb). It's fantastic! A definitely download, save to PC & a fav... and kudos for the imagination & beautiful creation ^.^
Keltosh Retired Moderator Oct 31, 2005
Well what can I say, a lovely wallpaper indeed. It's true, that text is a little difficult to read, but the burned up colors, the green hues and the grungy feeling really adds to the mood. Also, it's so rare to see such a nonh-sparkling wallpaper for Ah my goddess. For all these reasons, favorite + highlighted
Acuni Oct 31, 2005
great work i realy love the scenary and the all the effects
realy great work -
sukie Oct 31, 2005
wow...the bg is wow...i'm really wowed...LOL sorry gone overboard there! but this wall is really nice! i mean look at it! it's BEAUTIFUL! the scan and the texture...teach me! the bg is nice...really nice...can you sent my the psd file? LOL i'll really impressed by this wall! =D
Sandra Oct 31, 2005
It's totally great ! Awesome brushes , idea effects Yey , definitly a favorite ! Keep up great job !
etherelithic Oct 31, 2005
This work is absolutely fantastic. Great brushwork, and good color usage. The dark forest on the left kinda doesn't fit the mood though.
bromithia Retired Moderator Oct 31, 2005
Never start a title with "and"
alterlier Oct 31, 2005
love the colors and the bg is awesome, I dont see trouble to read....I think is just great.
Luceyd Oct 31, 2005
One word: Mega-rad. =D
The colors are fantastic, the texts fits perfectly and the image of Keiichi and Belldandy make this an outstanding and gorgeous wallpaper. Excellent job you have done here, and will definitely put it to good use. Going to add it to my Favorites. ^^
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