
Anime Wallpaper: Lighting the Path

Unidentified Wallpaper
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1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

^_^' My first try at making a wallpaper...
Yes, I know it's SOO simple and it's really not that good, but it was a try at least ^_^
The scan I got it here from MT ^^
C&C are welcome :)

Any tutorial links that I can have will be appreciated as well... I don't have much, :sweat:

Edit: I hope the piccy came up better this time... I got a bit more clouds up and the starscape put up... Though I dunno if it improved it or made it worse, ^_^'

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  1. MidnightMiko Oct 30, 2005

    As I said before, I think it looks pretty awsome! The water effects are very good and the catgirl looks like she's really there at the water scene! Pehaps a few different shades of blue for the sky would've looked nice, but I don't know. XP Anyways, it looks great! ^_~

  2. dalidadod Oct 30, 2005

    hey hey..yay ur furst wallie sweety thats nice..sweety let me tell u smthin its really nice one but as u had said its too simple..maybe if u used more brushes and add more effects would help it a lil bit ^_^' its not that i know too much about makin wallies but well am tryin to improve..so am tellin u wat i usually heard when i made a simple wallies...so good luck to u and keep it up ^^

  3. melymay Oct 31, 2005

    This is great wallie for your first ^_^ The sky is a bit empty though...Keep it up!

  4. freaks Oct 31, 2005

    simple and clean,if you'll ask me ^^ i'm a little out of the subject when it's about making wallpapers,so i prefer making critiques to drawings he heh...

  5. flyindreams Oct 31, 2005

    Hmm... well, a really nice first wall, and I think that you tried harder than I did with my first wallie =P Overall you have a solid composition and the idea for the wallie is good... mostly you just need to work up more PS experience in order to make this wallie good *^.~* First off the extraction and blending of the character scan could be improved... I see a lot of jagged lines, and some of the outlines for her hair look very uneven. The glow around the character doesn't really help with the jaggies or the blending, so I'd suggest getting rid of it. The clouds also look... strange, shape-wise, they look more like smudges than clouds... maybe some more smudging and experimenting with cloud shapes could help. Apart from those things... really nice first wallie *^.~* The serenity and simplicity is really nice, and I like how you didn't just create the usual "Greg Martin" starfield... Keep up the good work! =P

  6. DarkBlade- Nov 28, 2005

    very interesting colors for the background portrays "lighting the path" very well with the catgirl holding a lamp (or a ball of light? the world may never know)

  7. l3lackArt Mar 13, 2010

    thank you

    So Cut very much !

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