I liked it a lot , the only thing I did not like was the rings on the right side.
Other than that its great ;)
I kinda worked hard on this one but I failed it *cries*
I know it's very veyr very ugly ~~ At first I want to create a mystical looking wallpaper with charas on water and
a moon reflecting on the water. boy.. how wrong I was ~
I'm far too stupid and untalented to make that kinda of magic wall XD
Instead I created this I still hope you guys like =3
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I liked it a lot , the only thing I did not like was the rings on the right side.
Other than that its great ;)
is that really angel sanctuary?
it looks liek X to me
i think thats kotori and kamui
the blue background gives a sweet soothing texture ^^
wow....i love the effects you used and i love the scan you used. like preksha says. sweet and calming! ^^
nice wallpaper, the charas look good and the bg fits pretty much to it but the text doesn't fit at all
I think it looks pretty. I like the water, and the scan fits perfectly. But it's a bit too bright. +fav next week
Pretty! I like his effect
how beautiful,a background is very very nice,i like it,
i love the wall,it is very cute,i love the effects you used.it is sweet
add fav
lovely....nice work
Loved it! Thanks for sharing! Really nice!
Doumo arigatou gozaimasu!
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