
X Wallpaper: Kamui - SCHISM

CLAMP, Madhouse, X, Kamui Shirou Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio X Series Kamui Shirou Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

schism = awesome song xD
this wallie is for pink-sakura of animepaper.net! :D
cause she uploads so many MP3's, she deserves a sexy kamui wall xD
and cause she helped me calm my loveless MP3 addiction lol
so the original scan can be found here...<a href="http://www.animepaper.net/scans/latest/entry6191/" target=blank">KAMUI SCAN-I!</a>
yes...removing the gold thingies DID suck. very much. the original idea i had INVOLVED the gold thingies, so i had extracted them as well. then i decided to get rid of them, and so i had to technically re-cg the scan.
that quote actually comes from RG Veda, but it's all good lol
thanks to taters for her ideas with the city.
it was a wall i'd been doing for a while, and just got the time to finish up.

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  1. exentric May 28, 2005

    schism <--- how te heck am I suppose to pronounce that anyway? >_<

    in any case, this is one sweet wallpaper you made~
    just love the bg. sweet cloud. the city down under.
    plain amazing~
    good work. ^_^

  2. ayaki May 28, 2005

    Quote by exentricschism &lt;--- how te heck am I suppose to pronounce that anyway? &gt;_&lt;

    haha..i don't know either.....XP
    anyway...this wall is kool.....haven't watch X tho....
    I love the atmosphere of this wall.....and his wings looking awesome
    it's nice how the char blend in with the background....looking like he's standing on a mountain top....looking over a city...and now thinking of splitting the heavens??.....:D
    and definitely the quote fits this wall too....@_@
    great work :P

  3. lunaregina May 28, 2005

    XD I love it!! The colors are great and the background is fantastic! The double dragon logo is nice too but I'm not a huge fan of the sub text. Kamui is nice centered on the wall but perhaps it would've had more of an impact if he was off center a bit... Love the city lights though... nice touch. ^^ Definitely a great wallie! +fav from me!

  4. Lana3007 May 28, 2005

    schism is pronounced something like s-ki-s-m, if I am not mistaken, but I am not 100% sure it's the same schism.

    I love the wallpaper! It's awesome! Amazing clouds and the background are amazing!
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  5. macky May 28, 2005

    Awesom.............. Nice bg nice use of the imge... Great job!!!! I really like the text..

  6. OracleAngel Retired Moderator May 28, 2005

    The clouds and hidden city are amazing, Kamui fits very well in this heavenly/demon wall but as usual anothe rwall from you again? XD great JOB!

  7. lensterknight May 28, 2005

    Wow, that's a great wallpaper, no doubt.

    The clouds are particularly impressive, I'd say. The text is nice, too. His left wing has a funny border, though, methinks.

  8. Rella May 28, 2005

    Ooh, it looks really pretty. I love the soft-light here. Great colors and the font matches the wallpaper too. Good work! ^^

  9. Okami May 28, 2005

    Awesome wall, the colors of the background give it a nice atmosphere to the piece, great work!

  10. rocknroll-isgo May 28, 2005

    Oh wow.... let me just stare for a while...

    *five minutes later* Beautiful. You did an awesome job with the original scan. Everything's blended together so nice! >.< And I like the text, too. Overall, a great wall.

    ...And yes, Schism is a great song. Great, now I have to go listen to it... *sigh*

  11. Idril May 28, 2005

    love this wallie!! clouds are soo real and amazing and Kamui is very cute here!!
    great job!!
    Keep it up!!

  12. KorganoS May 28, 2005

    Splendid.... XD
    This wall should be in the top favs, I think it's your best work up to date.... it's a true masterpiece :) I can't find anything wrong except for some very acceptable graininess :D
    Haven't watched the show, tho.... I heard it's from clamp. rite?

  13. Shomiyato May 28, 2005

    Love the idea behind the wallpaper, but next time doont try so hard to try and making it look so good, there's a saying for something like that

  14. Noelias May 28, 2005

    That is a beautiful wallpaper. I love the color in the sky. The clouds give it a nice somber feeling. It looks like something I would dream on a good day. I love X/1999 anyway so...ehmm. Subaru and Kamui are my favorites though Uzeria is a good character. Enough rambling. Wonderful job! Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing more work like this and more. Great Job!
    Tears are the beauty of life, don't be afraid to let them flow.

  15. Electrastar May 28, 2005

    Wow. That's really cool. The sky is awsome. The colors of the clouds are beautiful and the city faded in the distance is great and I simply adore the logo you created with the two dragons, it's fantastic. Beautiful work, simply beautiful.

  16. silverdragon May 29, 2005

    This is a gorgeous wall. Great job! I love the colours and the pic together and the feel it gives. Very much like X it remembers fire, destruction, destiny ... (at least for me :)
    Must add to my favs OX

  17. yume-mi May 29, 2005

    nice wallpaper! ^_^ the background is nice and Kamui also! ^_^ I like it!

  18. VespaOnnaXD Jun 01, 2005

    This wall is great!!! I LOVE X!!! Arashi's my favorite but this is a beautiful wall and the series is sweet!

  19. MEGAHUNTER Banned Member Jun 01, 2005

    I really like this wallpaper scan. The colors and light are awesome. Thank you very much for sharing.

  20. Mangafreak17 Jun 07, 2005

    hi!!! this is a very cool and beautiful wallpaper. the color and the person a very fantastic and very exciting.

  21. ladyshaka Jun 20, 2005

    very beautiful!!!!! precious wallpaper of kamui!!!! :) the effect of the sky is awesome

  22. hiei0021 Jul 03, 2005

    Cool wallpaper of Kamui........... that is a perfect way of showing the dragon.....nice

  23. twm Jul 07, 2005

    Fantastic wallpaper!
    Colors are really good, it leaves a great expression on the picture.

  24. Voices Jul 11, 2005

    Wow this one is so cool... Nice mix of heaven and hell... the sky is amazing and the colors are so nice i love the way wings fade in the clouds .... one my favorite :)

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