
Tinkerbell Wallpaper: Keeper of the Throne

Tinkerbell Wallpaper
Tinkerbell Mangaka

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Another wall from me! this is my 2nd wall today! (really bored)
well, I'v rerused layers for my other wall "Protector of the Throne" http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/139385/ they really look alike^_^; I just coundn't help making another wall because im so bored. I used a stock image on the castle so I won't take credit for it. found scan here http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/54712/
Time- about 2hours because I reused the layers and adjust them
Layers - 26
~enjoy and fav and comments are appreciated! *bows*

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  1. LoneTenchi Jul 07, 2005

    This looks cool ! ^__^ It does look alot like the first one you did but its still pretty different. Uh sorry if that sounded a little wierd, I'm having a funky day where I cant seem to type what I'm thinking all that well. Yay first comment, fav. Keep them coming!

  2. miraku-spike Jul 07, 2005

    omg!! I love this wallpaper! Great job! I love the way you did the background also! I just love it! Xd This is going in my favs fur sure!

  3. MS0B9 Jul 07, 2005

    Ayasal this is a really beautiful wall. I love the pink it makes me somewhat happy to look at. :) Awesome job and adding to favs!

  4. kajimamidori Jul 07, 2005

    Very cute,, and I just realized it's just like your 'Protector of the Throne' wallpaper! XD This one is very cute and most importantly ,, pink! xpp *Kajima's love pink*

  5. bbls Jul 07, 2005

    this one is so beautiful, too...and you did a great job with the photo manipulation because it blends perfectly with your scan... :D

  6. Kiako Jul 07, 2005

    it looks nice, the girl is very pretty and the background colors are good, i like the girls wings^^
    keep it up

  7. Cagari Jul 07, 2005

    Great wall!!! It's so pretty!!! Really it's so beautiful!! Keep up the good work Ayasal!! I love it!!! ^^

  8. shinorei Jul 07, 2005

    the background is really good and it doesn't matter if you re-used the layers.
    the scan looks really cute and yeah, the name really fits with the previous.
    as the previous was the protector, this is nice being the keeper. ^^ +fav

  9. Yina Jul 07, 2005

    waii.. first I thought.. ehh???? did you update the older version?? O__O I like this one much more than the other one.. cuz I like purple.. XD and I think this bg suits her better.. XD +fav ^^

  10. Lenne Jul 07, 2005

    Wow i like this one even more then the last,maybe it's because of the colors.
    Keep it up girl! XD ;)

  11. ayane-heine Jul 07, 2005

    Ayasal~~~~ you sure can do a lot of wallie in a day.. >_<
    such a nice wallie from you again.. OX
    gonna fav it again.. :D

  12. SaKuRa149 Jul 07, 2005

    Cute wallpaper... :D


  13. LeeAnn Jul 07, 2005

    she's sooo cute!!
    she looks like a fairy... an angel... and a mystical girl!

  14. zaira Jul 07, 2005

    me love it as always!!! love the pwettie scan and the bg!! but me dont like the white misty stuffs below her hehe but overall a cool and lovely wallie!+fav!

  15. Susan-chan Jul 07, 2005

    i like this version better....the other one is too dark for me ..^^"

  16. Ica Jul 07, 2005

    Cool wall!
    The pink backdround is very good!
    This is must be my favourite! Thanks for sharing! ^_~

  17. Acuni Jul 07, 2005

    nice wallie i like the chara and the pink colouring
    hope to see more

  18. Leena Jul 07, 2005

    Beautiful wallpaper. the girl is cute and soothing. same goes for the background. very relaxing. A must be favourites.

  19. AngelKate Jul 07, 2005

    Oh, a very nice job with this scan. The background is wonderful. ^_^ Beautiful wallie! :)

  20. lunacrystal Jul 07, 2005

    i like both but this on really catches my eye! great job!

  21. Anime-fan Jul 07, 2005

    wooow!.... I... i want her as my guardian angel!!! (however... great wallpaper!)

  22. heavens-Dragon Jul 07, 2005

    Oh this one is so pretty! I like the colours, it's very cute and it matches really nicely with the scan! Also, the castle is a nice addition to the background. Very cute! Awesome work! Keep it up!

  23. Orkin Jul 07, 2005

    So sweet, she is really pretty. :D
    It is a very tender angel, the bottom also is very good and the composition in general pleases to me. Very good work!

  24. ladygoofy Jul 07, 2005

    XD XD This is SO KAwAii!
    I WUV it everything is nice.... XD
    The effects are just perfect, the colors and the image is clean.
    Very wonderful work you have here Ayasal-san ;)
    You always be having some NICE and beautiful wallpapers...
    Keep up the great work coming.... ;) :D

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