yay!! FIrst post!!
This is a very pretty wallpaper! I luv the girl!! She'z so so cute~~~~
The bg is perfect for X-mas!
Great joB! *fav*
Merry X-mas to you too!
Merry Chritsmas and Happy New Year Everyone! I made this wall in this special occasion and I would like to dedicate it all my friends here at MT! You guys are the best and I love you all! ^_^
I got the scan at www.random-galleries.com so thanx Cynical for the lovely scan! I have no idea what series it's from but at the bottom of the scan it said Angel Ring so I just assumed that's what's it's called. It's simple but took a while to get the falling snow to match the scan. I hope it looks okay! The girl is so adorable!
Well, I hope some of you like it! Have a Good Day!
Browse Café Little Wish Gallery: Recent | Popular.
yay!! FIrst post!!
This is a very pretty wallpaper! I luv the girl!! She'z so so cute~~~~
The bg is perfect for X-mas!
Great joB! *fav*
Merry X-mas to you too!
^_^ that's very beautiful wallpaper, the background is very nice. Good work :D
Wow, very impressive! I decided to comment on this one right after I downloaded it, nice work!
Awwwww a Christmas Wallie!! veeery veeeery nice!!! Great work!
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year
Byebye ^__^
Sweet, beautyful x-mas wallpaper, it looks awsome, great job!!
Really nice!! I like the effects that you used! And the contrast that is evidaent! I like the snow feel ^_^ great job! fav!
very nice wallpaper :) ...the quality of the colors is good as well as the layout of it!!!!!!!!!!!!
ohhh girl also for me ????you are so good to me thank you a lot for this wonderful wall you know i love all your works and you are one of my fav wallers here in MT and now you have show us what is in your .... keep it up girl and this goes to my fav :D
Okey well there you go, fav. browsed past this wallie 3 times and thought it's just so great, your background is wonderfull. great job at it, :)
Wow !!! Awesome ! I love that wall
+ fav
The scan is gorgeous and the the work you made is marvelous !
keep it up !
the girl looks sooo sweeet ^^
i really like the bg. u did an awesome job here ^__^
addin to my favs..
Oh,heavens-dragon!!!This wall is so beautiful,and yes,I say merry christmas to you too!!!!!(maybe it's late but hope you don't mind cause I had just finished my last exam yesterday!^^) And happy new year!!!^^
Wow~~~ It is beautiful~~~ The colour and the background is also beautiful~~~ The girl is very pretty and cute~~~
Oh This Wallie looks so Beautiful and has such a calm Atmosphere.The Girl is so adorable.I really like her Outfit.Also a wonderfull Bg with all the Snowflakes.All the way Great.This one sure goes to my Favorites :D
snow snow snow!!! gimme some more!!!! this wallpaper is just so cute!!!! girl is adorable...... :D i love it *.*
very warm and impressive presentation. love this!
I like the theme here.... so peacful looking... plus, it's an x-mas wall! Great job! Nicely made for x-mas.... hmmm.... 7 months to go before x-mas! XD
wow i like this wallie.the bg matches perfectly the character.and the character's image is so cute.anyways nice job on your wallie ^^ add to fav.
They are very pretty, I like this picture.
Thank you ;)
WWooow!!!so beautiful wa;;paper .....Nice background...I like this wallpaper Thx for wall...^^
Awesome christmas pic. I like cuteys after all. Some nice background and the message still gives something heartfull XD
Oh this is very lovely ^^ Wow, I will add this to my favs if I have any room left, now that theres that stupid rule @.@
so beautiful christmas wallie ^_^ warm looking light coming from window looks so nice and cozy :D scan blends very well with background and shading is well done. falling snow is really nice, snowflakes are so huge and fluffy looking :) overall wonderful work and it really give christmassy atmosphere ^_^ thank you for sharing !
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