
Café Little Wish Wallpaper: little Cafe

Tinkerbell, Café Little Wish, Merun (Cafe Little Wish) Wallpaper

800x600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This is kind of a bright blue wallpaper. The girl on it is from little cafe (I think). But I think its pretty although its overly bright. :S

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  1. Taurec Jul 05, 2004

    not .. bad at all .... and while wearing shades it's even better

  2. Dreadwing Jul 05, 2004

    It really light and is small but its still good...

  3. XDarkDestinyX Jul 05, 2004

    a bit bright, but lvoely color...and SOOO cute!!

  4. DJOriental Banned Member Jul 05, 2004

    ewww the jaggy edge, making me thinks its a rip o_O

  5. keenan83 Jul 05, 2004

    its just too small but it still looks great

  6. kringol Jul 05, 2004

    nice but too small >_<

  7. PANDAgirl Jul 05, 2004

    Bright...it burns the eyesss!!! XD Great job....hisss

  8. dayriver Jul 05, 2004

    Great. XD

  9. RAXXEPUNK Banned Member Jul 05, 2004

    bLuE iS AwEsOmE.... NiCe jOB..

  10. stardusted Jul 05, 2004

    Yeah it is pretty bright ^^; But I really like the color and the background. Some of the edges on the hair are a bit jagged though.

  11. darkwaterbunny Jul 06, 2004

    XD Like it!! The blure gives it a nice feel, cant place it, but its nice

  12. tiagosg Restricted Member Jul 06, 2004

    good job

  13. Bishi Jul 06, 2004

    i would lie it in bigger zize

  14. hydro Jul 06, 2004

    it's tight.i like blue color.one thing the white is to bright (i didn't mean to rhyme)....it impossible to watch all details.but it stils a cool wallpaper

  15. tiantito Jul 06, 2004

    its really good and so kawaii but too small

  16. ctrl Jul 06, 2004

    a bit too bright.

  17. pandora Jul 07, 2004

    beautiful so many dimensions

  18. littledramaboy Jul 07, 2004

    I LOVE IT!! Remember kids; blue is the next black. :)

  19. agent79 Jul 08, 2004

    intense, i just wish it were bigger. 800x600 is obsolete. should be outlawed

  20. youkokoryuu Jul 10, 2004

    Very kawaii!!! n.n

  21. ssjgogetta Jul 16, 2004


  22. LaPiNPiSKoPaT Jul 17, 2004

    Cute but maybe a little too charged ^^"

  23. Noctum Jul 18, 2004

    Interesting bg, but the extractions needs more training.

  24. omarb6 Jul 21, 2004

    great wall. i like the blue.

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