
Gankutsuou Wallpaper: Gankutsuou - Gilded Hearts

Gonzo, Gankutsuou, Albert de Morcerf, Edmond Dantes Wallpaper
Gonzo Studio Gankutsuou Series Albert de Morcerf Character Edmond Dantes Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Wall from last week with Albert and the Count <3 I was gonna order the art book for this show, but like, when I was finally ready to place my order it was out of stock :( I hate waiting... >_<

Wallpaper blurb!

Hakushaku! I love the rich colors and patterns that all the art in the show has. I imitated the art deco theme the show has with the sun-like line art in the background, and also expanded on that gold theme in the cape and made a gold toned background cause well, it's just pretty ^^

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  1. miraku-spike Apr 30, 2005

    Oh, that's a nice,.. no, sweet wallpaper there nat!! I even like the Japanesse letters on the bottom right. Great Job!! XD

  2. Tama-Neko Apr 30, 2005

    Wonderful! Glad to see more Gankutsuou walls out there (I've got two in progress myself) because the style of the series is quite different from other stuff. I like how you've kept in line with that style with the frilly patterns and the textured sun logo in the background. The only thing I'm not sure I like are the extra sparkles, they seem a bit extraneous (perhaps they're just too bright for my tastes, I feel they should be more golden like the rest of the wallpaper.)

  3. rocknroll-isgo Apr 30, 2005

    It's gorgeous. I agree with you, the rich colors and patterns are fantastic. And I'm really loving the golden sun on the BG --- that and the colors just make this an overall nice wallpaper.

  4. kitat Apr 30, 2005

    It's great! I want to see your wallpaper and to have come to see this animation more than former. The background suits their colorful pattern well. It's beautiful! I like a solar pattern. Even so, it is great work, nat. I like your wallpaper. and you are nice. hahah ^ ^ good!

  5. kenzuke Apr 30, 2005

    Hey, you finally submitted it! ^^ Yep, very nice wallie indeed! I really love that bg you made and it was made very good! You sure make high quality walls!!

  6. Saluki Apr 30, 2005

    I adore the art from that anime, and I love how you put it as a wallpaper. Great job, it's beautiful.

  7. Yina Apr 30, 2005

    wow.. O__O great effects on the bg.. somehow scary and mysterious... ^_^' and it fits well to the scan.. another brilliant work made by Nat.. +fav ^^

  8. tAtEkAnE Apr 30, 2005

    very cool wall nat =D great textures and those patterns on the clothes are really nice what else...dunno nothing to crit

  9. Red Apr 30, 2005

    the textures done here are awesome.
    I love the dramatic emotions that this piece expresses. I have no bg whatsoever as to hwat this series is about, but it immediately spurs interest in me to check it out.

  10. ayanechan Apr 30, 2005

    i absolutely love the bg :D looks really really great XD effects is nice and everything blends really really well with the characters :3 great job!

  11. Electrastar Apr 30, 2005

    Thumbs way up. This wallpaper respects the feel of the show perfectly. The patterns in the backround are very nice and the scan is used perfectly. I'm gonna miss that show.....oh well, there are others out there :D

  12. kuwabara Apr 30, 2005

    superb nice wallie. the 2 boys are really cool. the background is really superb. good work nat and keep going

  13. ShiroiLina May 01, 2005

    such a great wallpaper is only expected from you! :D nice golden effect! and i really like the bg :D so nice *-* keep it up nat! :D

  14. Tennyo May 01, 2005

    fantastic *_* *add to favs immediately*
    Thanks for sharing this beautiful and excellent Gankutsuou wallie =^^=!!
    *more Ganku wallies for the world xD!!* Good work, keep it up!!^^

  15. ShiNN May 03, 2005

    omg how could I miss this wallpaper? (prolly because the most recent gallery was flooded with uber low quality stuff, meh) lol

    Anyway, I love it! First off, just like Tama's wall, this one as well perfectly conveys the mood of Gankutsuou's series. It's elegant and classy. I love the background and its textures because it makes it look like the whole wallpaper was drawn on a marble wall, like those kind of paintings that you see in famous Villas where nobles use to live. It has a very artistic taste. Good job nat!

  16. fifaifo May 14, 2005

    omg. I'd +fav it a hundred times if I could! So, SO good! You even included the logo at the bottom right! One would think this is an official wallpaper for the anime series XD

  17. RobinSena May 16, 2005

    wow!!! I particularly love Gankutsuou even if watching it causes some LSD effects x_x
    I am really charmed by the sparklings!
    Good job!!!

  18. AnimeDreamship May 17, 2005

    this is a very cool looking wall. great work. the way it looks does looks like an official wallpaper

  19. Prongie May 30, 2005

    Hakushaku and Aruberu *__*
    i loved Gankutsuou so much ><
    Btw Good job **

  20. belen82 Jun 08, 2005

    I love it so much and I will add it to my favourites!^^
    Great job!!!

  21. Ludka Aug 30, 2005

    Oh A devilish Count and innocent Albert. It looks really interesting. I like it very much.

  22. joemighty16 Dec 01, 2005

    Amazing! It's very well done indeed! The bg and the front characters - great job!

    More like develish potent Count and slightly wussy Albert ;)

    Great wall once again!

  23. huzzah Feb 19, 2006

    Hakushaku, indeed! :D I've always been a fan of your fine walls, and a few have graced my desktop already. I was looking for a Gankutsuo one, and this will fit perfectly! Thank you for making it, comrade!

  24. Sable May 09, 2006

    Haha, nice one :)

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