
Gankutsuou Wallpaper: Gankutsuou: Sun and Moon

Gonzo, Gankutsuou, Edmond Dantes, Albert de Morcerf Wallpaper
Gonzo Studio Gankutsuou Series Edmond Dantes Character Albert de Morcerf Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

From Gankutsuou/The Count of Monte Cristo. I like the strange stylings of this anime, and the patterns, while initially annoying, are actually pretty fun to look at after you get used to them. I decided to make a wall and found an image out of Animage 9/04.
I wanted to reproduce the image as closely as possible, as if this were official artwork. This is more intensive than per my norm as I did the outlines AND redrew the patterns. Some are actually fully redrawn; some are from my website and some are filter-and-brush-work in order to mimic the original.
For the background, I originally was going to make a watch like the pocketwatch the Count drops and Albert finds in episode 1. Somehow, as I was messing around in Illustrator, I got a sun-and-moon clock design instead. I realized it was fitting; the Count is in golds and represents the sun while Albert is in blues and represents the moon. A few textures courtesy of my previous works added an aged feeling to the background. Here is a clean image of the clock; a lot of the details are hidden in this image.

No other submissions


  1. Nayako Nov 12, 2004

    wow!! I love this wall !!
    Gankutsuou is great anime!!!

  2. whisper Nov 12, 2004

    looks erally good omg man nice i like your background also it fit perfectly with the characters also man skills skills skills

  3. FallenAngel Nov 12, 2004

    tama you've got to stop being so amazing! XD Just looking at this makes me want to watch the series. :) Nice job tama

  4. jasmine Retired Moderator Nov 12, 2004

    you know Tama-Neko your walls are so good that is even scary ^_-
    this is the first Gankutsuou wall worth rememerbing and saving :]]]

  5. AceGunman Nov 12, 2004

    Oy, now this is the kind of walls I like to see! XD Very awsome *sets as desktop*, if you'd make some improvements on the yellow area on the left side I'd officialy call this my favorite MT submission :) Great stuff! :D

    Now I'm off, gotta check out your gallery now XD

  6. Kurosawa Nov 12, 2004

    wuaahh, that's was really great wallie> Very awsome. I like your wallie, wanna see some more of your wallie. :D " fav"

  7. diyo Nov 12, 2004

    It's a really original wall XD XD
    The bg is excellent!!
    It perfectly matches with the anime^^
    Great job. +fav

  8. kitat Nov 12, 2004

    very nice !! The clock of the moon is so cool and great . background suits them very much. Like it like* :D

  9. tachikoma Nov 12, 2004

    the bg and the characters blend in perfectly......thats one heck of a piece.Thanks for the effort....................................

  10. GaiJiN Nov 12, 2004

    Awesome job on everything ! You're really a wallpaper-artist ! So original and well-done, that's a masterpiece :) .

  11. Val3f0r Nov 12, 2004

    >_> I don't really know this anime :O but the bg surely looks great... ^^ and the chars blend nicely ^^ nice work as always Tama :D

  12. Sandy Nov 12, 2004

    Plain amazing. I'm just speechless in front of your wallpaper. I can feel the amount of hours you must have spent on it. XD It's definitely a + fav for me.

  13. nat Nov 12, 2004

    Just beautiful! You've really outdone yourself this time, it completely looks official---the patterns, lines---everything. Not to mention the stunning background design with thinner lines that make it the background as opposed to vying with the foreground. Great stuff!

  14. DarkParagon Nov 12, 2004

    I love this. Inventive and unique... accurately depicts what I've seen of the anime. :) Kudos and +fav.

  15. Angelette Nov 12, 2004

    Wow, that's some amazing textures. O_O I just adore your sun and moon design in the BG.

  16. Devilet Nov 12, 2004

    oh my god! that is so awesome!
    seriously so original and just beautifully artistic..
    this wall needs to be in the highlighted submissions..
    of course I'm going to fav this :)

  17. kukoi Nov 12, 2004

    is the first wall of Gankutsuou that i see and sure is the better XD ..is very nice job ..really thanks

  18. UndyingShadow Nov 12, 2004

    wooooah! thats a sweet wall! first of all, I already commented on your kick ass clock design, but you put it to great use here! the colors are great, and I love how you integrated the image with the bg. great job!

  19. Molokai Nov 12, 2004

    all I wanted to say was said :hmpf: :)
    so great work hope to see more wall like yours :)

  20. TheRavenIsUnSkill Nov 12, 2004

    The BG reminds me of El Hazard for some reason ^_^ V Great job on it
    The overall look reminds me of something you'd find in an ancient scroll. I realy like it alot.

    +fav and download ^_^ cya on IRC! XD

  21. Rex Nov 12, 2004

    oh em gee

    this is one of the more unique walls i've seen in a while...
    reminds me of the opening of Elfen Lied...

    anyways.....great job on this!

  22. sammo Retired Moderator Nov 12, 2004

    zomg tama, that thing in the background is totally cool! the characters have great texture, and the overall feel of the wall suits the series very well!

  23. euna Retired Moderator Nov 13, 2004

    Very nice wallpaper with an interesting concept.. ^^
    Cool textures and colours. ^^

  24. MyrrhLynn Nov 13, 2004

    Wow this is fantastic! I would have thought for sure it was official art. :D I've been watching the show (it's one of my favorites this season) and I agree the patterns are wierd at first (took me a whole episode to get over the fact that the patterns move when the characters do. XD) but after you get past that it's pretty cool. I think you captured the feeling of the show perfectly. Excellent work!

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