That's a pretty cool and unique present! :D
Pretty, high impact, high action & bright - I like it :D
1024x768 Wallpaper
i amde this froma beautiful art i found on google, i do not know who the artist is, but it isn't me, i just made this wallpaper for a pink theme my GF used to have hope you like it
Browse Maburaho Gallery: Recent | Popular.
That's a pretty cool and unique present! :D
Pretty, high impact, high action & bright - I like it :D
The background is really nice and the colour works. As for the character, she looks neat and it looks good.
thanks glad you like it ....
i was so sad when all my wallpapers were deleted from DevArt, the someone todl me about this other site.
Nice. The bg doesn't do anything too exciting but this adds to keeping the focus on the dynamic central character. Nice shadow border you've given her. Finally, the fading in and out of the hexagons is good.
Keep it up :)
Nice, I like it, nice character, good BG, Not so "hard" , light... all i love ! Very nice WP !
Now thats what i call a "Mechgirl" ^.^ Great job on da wallie. Like the pink, even though it not my type of colour but still.
hmmm a nice wall!! i really like yuuna ^^
neat!! one of SRW "unique" mech!! and to think of it..... what a huge babe - -
pretty cool mech . = D
mechs are awsome. = )
they blow up stuff . 8 }
pretty cool wallie... she's so cute... the effects of the background is nice
is this a picture of wing gundam or something?
is that even a real anime?
er... and i'm not talking about gundam wing... =P
nope its a "fanart" from the guy who draws the maburaho anime.
its found on his portfolio.
The girl is Msgirl based on some gundam from seed
I'm afraid "Dirty Harry" has nothing on this cute anime onna ! She looks like she's having fun w/ that weapon !
Thanxs for sharing !
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