
Maburaho Wallpaper: Yuna light

Toshihiko Tsukiji, E-ji Komatsu, J.C. Staff, Maburaho, Yuna Miyama Wallpaper
Toshihiko Tsukiji Mangaka E-ji Komatsu Mangaka J.C. Staff Studio Maburaho Series Yuna Miyama Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Dunno what type this is.. I go with Anime wallpapers.

Found a girly called Yuna. (think its she from maburaho)
Made a wally of the girl... a little laser and some thunder...im not very good at cut and paste... but hell..it works..right? (^^,)

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  1. white-zero Feb 16, 2005

    There's too much contrast between the image and the BG. Try darken the image by bit.

    But hey, it's just me.

    I like the BG. Very realistic. :)

  2. Kiako Feb 16, 2005

    nice wallpaper, it looks interesting especaly the background it looks very realistic. and the colors are very beautiful too.

  3. PaddeSan Feb 16, 2005

    Updated the picture. White zero was right... Changed the brightnes and contrast at Yuna..

  4. kidmangu2001 Feb 16, 2005

    Quote by white-zeroThere's too much contrast between the image and the BG. Try darken the image by bit.

    But hey, it's just me.

    I like the BG. Very realistic. :)

    No it's not just you it needs a little playing around with the contrast/brightness settings
    after that it will be a good lookin pic

  5. PaddeSan Feb 16, 2005

    argh! Dont say that :D Il see what i do to it later on =) Right now i put it on ice

  6. Thegundam Feb 16, 2005

    Makes me remember a very good RPG ^^
    Thanks for that wall.

    Gundam, adding to fav

  7. PaddeSan Feb 16, 2005

    Quote by ThegundamMakes me remember a very good RPG ^^
    Thanks for that wall.
    Gundam, adding to fav

    Yeah? Thats nice to hear ^^ Any more info on what RPG ? =)
    Thx one more time

  8. UrbanRonin Feb 16, 2005

    looks cool, makes me wonder what she's shooting at... and i don't know why but somehow it reminds me of Star Ocean...

  9. KorganoS Feb 22, 2005

    hmm.... the background is soo cool, realistic, and all that...
    but Yuna doesn't seem to fit too well there, apart from the lighting effects...
    I personally think her front body should be much brighter (because of the laser beam), and around her body, there should be glow or sparkels of some sort to add eye candy (that laser beam is too eye-attracting.... I don't even recognize there was yuna over there if not because of the title ^_^' )
    anyways... I always liked the celestial bg.. it's really nicely made....

  10. NanakiREDXIII Feb 23, 2005

    Manifique, les couleurs sont somptueuse ! Vraiment j'aime et je l'ajoute de suite a ma collection minitikyo.
    Felicitation a l'artiste ;)

  11. PaddeSan Feb 23, 2005

    Quote by NanakiREDXIIIManifique, les couleurs sont somptueuse ! Vraiment j'aime et je l'ajoute de suite a ma collection minitikyo.
    Felicitation a l'artiste ;)

    What ever u say man ;D Sounds positive ;)

  12. gundamknight Nov 21, 2005

    Great wall I love it. That's Yuna from Maburaho. fav.

  13. email938 Nov 20, 2008

    The background...Amazing. the resolution...incredible. The scene...well lets just say thats what mechs should look like. Power and beauty.

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