k a w a i i i i i i i :3
i love saku and the bg is very nice. i love you wallpapers <3 *fav
thanks for sharing =)
byebye sere
^.^ here my new walli ... XD yeah yeah its not the best but how would you put Valentine in a wallpaper Oo... XD i hope you like my creation ;_;
Browse Cardcaptor Sakura Gallery: Recent | Popular.
k a w a i i i i i i i :3
i love saku and the bg is very nice. i love you wallpapers <3 *fav
thanks for sharing =)
byebye sere
so pretty perfect for san valentine very good work i don't like so much sakura but this wallpaper is great
Aww. =D I love the background! ^^;; And the scan fits in well. :3;; Awesome job!
Valentines Day wall! <3
Everything fits together, Arashi. ^^
Oh my gosh, it gets me already for Valentines. XD
Truly, that is the perfect picture for Valentine's day. And the backround is so lovely, a very nice job indeed. :D
very cute, the swirls you put in the background matches so nicely with the little ribbon that is flowing around sakura, plus the image of sakura is so cute
Heehee, it's so cute.. And it fits the Valentine's Day theme well. Nice blend of colors too, and the character is great too. Goess well with the wall. Nice job :)
aww... lovely sakura heart scan. i like da pink of course... tee hee. *swoon* i cant wait for valentines day. anyhoo, nice wallie. keep it up =^^=
Oh hehe Yup soon its Valentines Day.Hm I wonder... :DUps Im drifting away.It is a really wonderfull Wallie Arashi-san.I just love it.Also a nice Background.Add it to my Favorites.Well done.Thanks for sharing :D :)
that is the good wall paper ...have a good color :) :) :)
the image of sakura is so cute
I know this scan~
da bg itself is very nice. but the scan to my experience has never been that nice.
and it doesnt really fit the crispiness of your bg.
and another thing is, why is her wing like that? o_O
was fuer ein schoener valentine wall!! ich liebe ihn! die hintergrundfarben und effekte sind phantastich, das waren gute ideen!! auch sakura passt gut zu deinem wall und da sie auf diesem schoenen roten herz sitzt ist sie ein richtiger augenfang. das ist eine tolle arbeit von dir! mir gefaellt sie sehr gut. na dann kann der valentinstag ja kommen!! :) :)
The lovely shade of pink and the prett effects in the background work really well with the character. Another shiney wallie ^^ .
Awww, that's a very cute wallie of Sakura!! Perfect for today. :) Nice job!!! ^_^
What a cute wallie of sakura!!! kaaaawwaaii!! very nice wallie for Valentines :) hehe
=O arashiiiii~!! ill be your valentine!! XD
mwhaha~ *huggles* so cuuuuuuuute~~ such a perfect wall for valentines day [mine was purple XD] annnnd theres a heart!! thats cuteness at its limits ^____^ keeep it up arashiiiiii!!
*btw, i never let go yet >=D*
very beautiful :D i like ur idea for the bg... great work for the valentine... thanx u very much and happy valentine... :D
that is so a wonderful wall very great
sakura is so pretty of the heart a perfekt gift for valentine
wonderful wall add to my fav :)
It's so beautiful!!!! ;___; too much for my heart.... i love it!! thank u for this moment!!! *-*
Ja NE!
nice, good colors, this is nice
sakura is sooo cute and the pink bg makes her more cute
great wallie :D
Very nice wallpaper to put on my desktop for valentines day :)
- Asuka Langley
Its very sweet, I am touch......
Very very very cute
Excellent job
Keep it up :o :o :) :)
oooooommmmmggggggg...thats soooooooooo cute*fav*..awsome job!
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