
Mamotte Shugogetten Wallpaper: Mamotte Syugogetten!

Mamotte Shugogetten, Rishu, Shaolin Shugogetten Wallpaper
Mamotte Shugogetten Series Rishu Character Shaolin Shugogetten Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hai hai! Finally got satisfied with this wallpaper! Took a lot of layers (I lost count >_>) and a lot of tries to get the water right. I tried using my old chrome style but it looked really terrible so I had to make the water from scratch. I used my own tree brush (though bromie thinks I shouldn't :P) for the trees and got tips on how to make their reflection on water. =3 Thank you to everyone for contributing on improving the wallpaper (every bit of suggestion really counts!)

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  1. Aa-chan Feb 03, 2005

    I love the look of this character; so bright and colourful ^^ .
    The background looks excellent and I love the effects around the character.
    Really nice work ^____^ .

  2. Balljacker Feb 03, 2005

    Nice wallie. I like the background. the effects are amazing. n 'bout the girl...well she's cute too. anyway nice artwork I admit I like it a lot :)

  3. LordStyphon Feb 03, 2005

    You did a really good job on the water; all the ripples, sparkles and drops look fantastic. Great work on the scan, as well. The background mountains and sky are nice; they remind me of the Northern Lights, of all things. >_>

    Great wallpaper, shinta.

  4. Osiris Retired Moderator Feb 03, 2005

    the water doesnt look kewl and i dun like the scan >_<

    ill admit, this isnt your best wall but its still better than what those noobs make XD

  5. Subl1mation Feb 03, 2005

    Great job on the trees, they look awesome. And that Northern Lights effect is very cool.

  6. Saikusa Retired Moderator Feb 03, 2005

    Well, I think she's cute, and bright... very magical feel to it with her dancing on water :)

  7. Mike50 Feb 03, 2005

    That looks really amazing!! ^^ Its been a long time sence I seen a new wall of Mamotte Syugogetten. Its really a good looking wall, I can't wait to see your next one..^^

  8. Paolo Feb 03, 2005

    very nice bg. also very cool walk on water effect. i like it ^^

  9. kenzuke Feb 03, 2005

    Like Osi said, the scan ain't that nice. >_>...Maybe something like that should go with a brigther and happier background than a dark night with a dark forest....(don't worry...this is just my taste XD )

    ..but still, you made kewl effects! I like those circle things and those swirly stuff! XD
    Still a nice wall anyway! ^_^

  10. exentric Feb 03, 2005

    Mamotte Shugogetten wallie~
    this oughta be nice~

    nice nice~! XD
    making waters looks real is so hard... I know.. T_T but ya made quite nicely. ^_^
    1 thing though, the aurora is bit weird to me. ^_^"

  11. agneslee Feb 03, 2005

    Good job !!!! :D :D
    I have added it to my favorites :) :) Thanks for sharing.

  12. zaira Feb 03, 2005

    m......wow! this one is cool! i like the bg! and that swirly thingys...well the scan is also nice but you should make the bg more colorful or m.....something cheery......but its still great+fav! XD

  13. Keitaro08 Feb 03, 2005

    A wallie just as I like... Absolutely no blur, a big touch of blue, kawaii characters, and... A good job, indeed !!!

    *adds to fav*

  14. jackalx66 Feb 03, 2005

    i see the wip in IRC :D
    thx for make this wall come true shinta~
    *me huggles shinta*
    i rare see this wall in here :D
    and i mean nicely done~
    no complain at all~ [nice water,mountain,magic effect, sharp scan]
    just another fave thing to do :3
    thx for ur effort and share it in here ;)

  15. Kiako Feb 03, 2005

    nice wallpaper the two girls are very cute. you made some nice effects, the background suits the charas.
    keep it up

  16. tuxedotservo Feb 03, 2005

    The effort you put in the water shows, and it pays off. That and the background are very well done. Good wall ^^

  17. KorganoS Feb 03, 2005

    I have the original scan from PZ, it was in bad quality, I mean, the colors are dull, and it was blurry,..I once thought to wall it but, meh, I cancelled.. what you did is a very fine job on retouching it ;)
    and what you did was outta mind... seriously... from 9 am to well, 2am... that's crazy XD Get some sleep... you deserve it..
    I love all the details and the water texture... I haven't seen something like that before.. it's very original, you have to make another tutorial on that :D hey! no excuses... XD rofl
    The forestry image is very nice, altho might be a bit too dark for some ppl (well, they might have the wrong color profile installed XD lol), but I find it real nice.... it's so dense, yet mysterious....
    the northern lights gives a very pretty view to the scene, as if it's magical, and very colorful... I really dig that.... :D
    overall, you have done one splendid job on everything.... I really love Mamotte Syugogetten, and you've made a very pretty wall of the series.... this got to be one of the best Mamotte walls out there... ;)
    Well done, Shinta... great to see another work from you..

  18. Celessa Retired Moderator Feb 03, 2005

    Love the water effect and the slight reflection you made from the character below. I don't see anything wrong with the scan personally - and your wallpaper looks great. Keep up the good work.

  19. meteorcloud Feb 03, 2005

    woooya great one shinta ~!! ^^
    *i'm allready using this one as my desktop xD*
    I really like the scan , it's clean and cute =)
    the water looks great and the reflection too ^^
    you did a great great job =d
    * add to favs*

  20. ded113 Feb 03, 2005

    Not everyday that I see a MS wall but unfortanely, I have to agree with some of the comments. The Bg needs a happy theme cuase she's happy. Nonetheless, I still like the wallpaper altogether.

  21. MasterPivot Feb 03, 2005

    I'm not a fan of Mamotte Shugogetten, primarily because I've never watched it, but this wallpaper is gorgeous!

    I'm adding it to my list of Favorites.

  22. Risha Feb 03, 2005

    I don't really like the girl in it; something is wrong with the colour of her but other than that, wow! I love the bg and water; it's so surreal. The colours are absolutely beautiful and the feel is lovely. Man that bgs lovely!

  23. NachoKun Feb 03, 2005

    Wai! Shao-chan! *_*
    so pretty... great colors, nice water effect
    hey... is that Rishu? so cuuuuute
    also nice aurora borealis in the background ^_^ b

  24. Athrun Feb 03, 2005

    Cool! It looks really magical. And the way the water reflects the trees, that's awesome! The scan is in really good quality! :O Great job!!! ;)

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