
Ys Wallpaper: Playing to no one

Shunsuke Taue, Ys, Olha Wallpaper
Shunsuke Taue Mangaka Ys Game Olha Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

It's the first time I try a resolution higher than 1024x768, so I think it's better but harder to make...
I made all the bg with some brushes from deviantart, thanks for those who submited them, thanks too for the one who submited this scan, It's really nice and choose that in the last hour, cause I was looking for a scan for the wall for hours but didn't find nothing and remembered this one in my hd so I used that. I think it's fited well with the wall so I hope you enjoy that ^^V
Comments and favs are very appreciated!

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  1. Electrastar Feb 02, 2005

    So beautiful...I love the glow of this wallpaper, the light effects are beautiful....It's so peaceful and yet kinda sad....a very nice addition to the gallery. :D

  2. skysong Feb 02, 2005

    This is so beautiful Akira-san! The pic is so clear and the girl is gorgeous.
    I love the musical theme, and the moon in the back is really cool looking.
    I'm glad you decided to try a higher resolution cuz its the one i use :D
    Yay! +fav

  3. Jinpun Feb 02, 2005

    Wow the coloring on her is beautiful, really. The trees and background are also really nice.

  4. falcon815 Feb 02, 2005

    This'll definitely help tide me over until Ys VI is released over here. Beautifully done. ^_^

  5. MESIAS Feb 02, 2005

    Wow!! That's a great wall, the elf is just beautiful... Good one!

  6. Barbara Feb 02, 2005

    That's very nice wallie, the bg looks lovely. You did a very good job :)

  7. AnimeMystix Feb 02, 2005

    All I have to say is w.o.w. Really pretty. I like the lil sparklies. hehe. Good job.

  8. DayBreak Feb 02, 2005

    Nice touch on the night sky....so beautiful, Relaxing...
    Smoothing feeling XP
    the scan definiely fits with the feeling of the background.
    and hey! the grass is well made! and fogs luring around..
    Great piece.

  9. Aztec Feb 02, 2005

    Nice work.
    You created a beautiful background.
    Nice touch with the flute effects.

  10. LiquidNight Feb 02, 2005

    I really like the bg with the trees and the sparkles from the flute
    nice job :)

  11. ericcarson Feb 02, 2005

    It just.... Soo good. I cant say anything.... I am just overwhelmed by how good it is. Your skill is something to be marvelled at. I could never in a thousand years be that good. The grass, the tree..... i presents the sureeal in a unforgiving way. And your title... A masterpeice. Why my latest work has been holed up cause i cant think of one...

    To say the least your skills are that of the gods themselves and that us mere mortals are not worthy of viewing such a masterpeice. A define fav, and its going on display too. Thakyou for providing this to us.

  12. cloudcherry Feb 02, 2005

    oh wow....such a gorgeous wallie ^_^
    i love it so much, especially the sparkles and moon
    And the scan is so beautiful...u have done a fantastic job, an awesome wall ^_^

  13. volrath77 Feb 02, 2005

    Beautifully done. Consider this wallpaper fav'ed. :)

  14. SchoppeK Banned Member Feb 02, 2005

    very nice work !! beautiful wall, thanks ;)

  15. Saikusa Retired Moderator Feb 02, 2005

    Wow! She's so beautiful and serence, while the night scene behind her is almost mystical... high visual impact and very nice :)

  16. lensterknight Feb 02, 2005

    Quote: It's the first time I try a resolution higher than 1024x768, so I think it's better but harder to make...

    Don't tell me you're working on oversized (above on resolution screen) walls as well...? XD

    Wow, that's pretty good, really. But it seems you forgot to extract some white spaces in her hair. Also, there is a faint white line around her ('not talking on the outer glow), although it can't be readily seen.

    I'm not sure about how I feel about the yellow aura, though.

    I would have left the grass green, but that's just me, I guess.

    But, good job. Other than those small issues, I like it.

  17. DarkCrimson Feb 02, 2005

    Wowie such an amazing Wallie from you.I just love it.You did an really Great Job with the Bg,I love the Full Moon in It.This sure goes to my Favorites.Nice Work :D

  18. kasumi78 Banned Member Feb 02, 2005

    Oooh awesome!
    The scan look gread but I prefer the background!
    It look absolutely cool!
    A fav for sure !
    good work!

  19. ozma255 Feb 02, 2005

    Wow! what a beautiful wall, great effects on the BG really beautiful. However there is one thing the sparkle on the flute is too linear maybe little swirls here and there would make it perfect. :)
    Keep on making better an better walls. +fav. :D

  20. Daydream118 Feb 02, 2005

    this is sooo beautiful! ^^
    the bg is really great with the trees, the moon, the stars!
    and the scan, she's really pretty.
    the sparkles are a really nice effect too.
    very nice job, Akira-san! keep it up! :)

  21. KittyCyn Feb 02, 2005

    WOW! Great* :D This is very beautiful, relaxin wallie :nya:
    Luv the colors of the BG fitting with the Scan
    Nice work! Keep it up ;)
    Byex OX Adding to +Favs!*

  22. Kiako Feb 02, 2005

    nice wallapper, the moon in the background is great so are the effects and teh tree.
    keep it up

  23. StarCentury Feb 02, 2005

    Very nice night time wallie, Akira-san! :) The sparkles around the girl's flute really gives off a magical feeling and the moon illuminates the BG beautifully! XD Well done, Akira-san! + 2 favs ;)

  24. pixelwerx Feb 02, 2005

    What can I say. Wow. I really like this WP. Your background goes really well with the character (I forget her name for some reason). Great Job.

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