
Angel Sanctuary Wallpaper: Forsaken Happiness

Kaori Yuki, Angel Sanctuary, Sara Mudo, Setsuna Mudo Wallpaper
Kaori Yuki Mangaka Angel Sanctuary Series Sara Mudo Character Setsuna Mudo Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Let's tear apart the fence around us...
and go as far as we can together...
to some God forsaken place.
The farthest place from Heaven...
A Kingdom for just the two of us.

First of all... this wallpaper never was meant to be an Angel Sanctuary one. I originally made the background for a different scan, but the scan was too damanged and I decided to use another one. So the difference between the happy scan and the dark background made seem a little off, but I throught they would go together, since Sara and Setsuna are forbidden lovers after all, being brother and sister.
Hence the title: Forsaken Happiness.
The little passage of text comes from the manga *it's also in the anime too*
So yet, another grungy wall, and another Angel Sanctuary wall from me.
I'm such a grunge whore.

Anyway enjoy.
Dedicated to the Fallen Angels group ;)

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  1. OracleAngel Retired Moderator Jan 23, 2005

    ....To continue on through the valley of death
    seeing the crow that will guide us through the day
    where we caress our faces and see beauty in our eyes
    t'was a long time ago before our love was made true.

    Love the darkish grunge bg, could have some light points here and there but the overall image with the dark bg suits them really well...Great job! :D

  2. KorganoS Jan 23, 2005

    Oh wow... nice grungyness feeling.... but I think the scan should be tad darker to match the overall darkness of the bg...
    well, all in all, very nice wall.... nice to see you back in the grungy mood :) keep it up!

  3. einna Jan 23, 2005

    Ooh... grunge work. I love dark-themed grunges. This is nice.^^;; Definitely a nice contrast. The font you used for "Angel Sanctuary" doesn't complement the grunge background, though. You could use a different font or maybe put some style with the text. Overall, it's a good composition!^_____^ A fav!

  4. darkwaterbunny Jan 23, 2005

    yay! grunde!! I like grunde, and this is different ^_^. Looks nice, but you should make Sara and Setsuna blend in a little bit more. They kinda stick out a bit too much. But I really like how you did the background, really nice! Great job! fav!

  5. Tirdaelyn Jan 23, 2005

    Oh wow. I really like this wallie. It is very nice. The image you used is great, and I really like the dark coloring in the background. Very nicely done. ^^
    The font is nice, and the txt is also really good. ^^ Keep it up.

  6. rocknroll-isgo Jan 23, 2005

    Awesome grunge. The text blends in nicely as well. Though, I do agree with, the scan may not fit... but still, great job. :)

  7. candy-chan Retired Moderator Jan 23, 2005

    I agree with OA, and I wouldave blended setsuna in a bit more with the bg :D awesome sooper rai-chan grunge is back! XD great job, that couple is so cute, ;_;

  8. ili Jan 24, 2005

    Awww... Setsuna and Sara. How sniffity sad :( So.... where's a Kira wallie, hm? hm???? :p

  9. Septillion Jan 24, 2005

    hehe^^ yay!! AS wall :D i like the background there, nice work with the grunge, i think this wall could've been better if the characters were more blended with the background. *sniffs* AS is soooo sad and cruel T_T nice work with the wall.

  10. Queen-Of-The-Damned Jan 26, 2005

    Wonderful wallpaper.I love the colors.I suddenly feel extremely honored to have you in my AS group.

  11. Noctum Jan 29, 2005

    Awesome bg as usual, Hikari, but Sara and Setsuna stand out a lot / are a lot brighter than their surroundings.

    Oh, yeah, I remember that quote from the anime.
    I should watch it again, some day.

  12. wonjin Banned Member Jan 30, 2005

    The wallpaper is so good.
    the character and the background merge well..
    I very like it .thanks for your share.

  13. MikoNoYume May 05, 2005

    Nice wallpaper....I love the contrast of the happy Setsuna and Sara and the dark background...I love the quote as well... great job!

  14. DeathGoth Jul 12, 2005

    Another awesome art work. Good job.................................................................

  15. yuki456 Jul 20, 2005

    Ahh, forbiden love....ain't life grand?! Anyway, nice job you did here on the wallpaper, and true, the backgrownd does match Setsuna and Sara. When i first saw it, i thought it wasn't all that great..but then i download it, and see the whole picture...and man! This wallpaper Rocks!!

  16. SketchDR10 Aug 23, 2005

    they're such a good couple, so roud of the artist, thank you for sharing

  17. abelini4 Mute Member Sep 20, 2009

    beautifull ^_^...

  18. marito55 Mute Member May 05, 2010

    whooo ^_^Excellent I love this wallpaper.

    Thank you very much for your beautiful work

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