
After... Wallpaper: Wish

Tony Taka, After..., Kanami Shiomiya Wallpaper
Tony Taka Mangaka After... Visual Novel Kanami Shiomiya Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

again,I used the same bg as the wallie that was deleted before.*_______* the scan was taken from anime advanced gallery .the butterflies were done rebelkitty brushes.hope u like it.

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  1. Mishikaiya Dec 31, 2004

    Very beautiful. The background compliments the character quite well.

  2. Anjolina Dec 31, 2004

    Oh, it is lovely. It looks sooo nice... The butterflies are beautiful and so is that thing she is holding (is it a keychain or a bracelet with a star?). Very nice. Good Job. :) Oh also, her eyes look really pretty and I'm adding it to my favorites. ^_^

  3. shinorei Dec 31, 2004

    Awww...the girl looks so cute!! She is irresistible..^.^ Love da butterfiles,rythem,they're soo pretty!

  4. Kiako Dec 31, 2004

    nice background and colors on it and the butterflies are so beautiful and the girllooks so cute.
    keep up the gret work

  5. Seran Dec 31, 2004

    Great wall! I have seen this girl many times in the Tony Taka gallery.Could the category be Tony Taka because of this?

  6. Nizna Dec 31, 2004

    She's sweet......... >_<

  7. cantero Jan 01, 2005

    very cute!!! nice background!!!

  8. semanga Jan 01, 2005

    that is so sweet love it and add to my fav of course
    the butterlys looks great and make the walls sweeter
    the blue sky is also very good .... great jop

  9. smilebit Jan 06, 2005

    really like this wall. i really like how simple it is. really, i lik this one. keep it up.

  10. Asahi Jan 06, 2005

    aww.. very lovely wallpaper work :) and very pretty too ! keep it up =)

  11. acid-awakening Jan 18, 2005

    i like the colours and the BG
    it is very bright
    thank u for sharing
    check my gallery sometime
    thanks again
    till next time then

  12. Balljacker Jan 21, 2005

    Nice wallie. I like the background. the effects are great. n also I like the butterflies. it suits her pretty well. anyway awesome work. must add to favs :)

  13. ericcarson Feb 19, 2005

    When you look at a wall , sometimes you cannot break it down.... You cannot say oo, i like the BG and the girl is nice... It just ruins the wall, because as standalone unoth the parts of the whole are unremarkable. This is what i encountered here. The sheer awesomeness of this wall was so intense the recoil of displaying it knoeked my 19in CRT backwards off my deak striking my roomate in the kneecaps. Who was soon overwhelmed by the awesomenes of the wall, and forgot his injuries. This was, is just sheer beauty. There is nothing quite lick it, and breaking it down would just make the wall inferior.. So leas just accepty this compliment as is. This wall is an incerdible work of art AS A whole! Thank you for sharing it with us! A +fav before comment !

  14. Kubrickfan Aug 12, 2006

    awww... it truely is wondeful!

  15. abelini4 Mute Member Sep 10, 2009


  16. GoDxNero Feb 09, 2010

    This is a must download O_o

  17. stepupparty Feb 20, 2010

    Well I finally got around to making a new wall, and I am pretty pleased with the result

  18. Mihawk666 Sep 12, 2010

    this look nice.. thanks.....

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