
After... Wallpaper: -being with u-

Tony Taka, After..., Kanami Shiomiya Wallpaper
Tony Taka Mangaka After... Visual Novel Kanami Shiomiya Character

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

finally new wall this scan is from twinker http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/52654/
a girl thats trying to cry but is smiling too
the tittle because being with that person that make u feel happy :)
a night wall lot of star and i think this time i made a better tree a lot of layers
i hope u all like it
comments are welcome
i made the moon blue i like how it looks

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  1. jackalx66 Nov 13, 2004

    yeah i like blue moon too
    *check my title*
    the BG is nicely done
    love the flower u make
    the chara also nicely done
    very romantic i must say
    thx for ur effort and share it in here

  2. sword Nov 13, 2004

    the starfield definitely needs more blending into the background. you dont have enough of a contrast between bright stars and dim stars . there should be a ratio of 5-10 dim stars to 1 bright star, with varying colors , with far less quantity. the moon seems a bit stuck on and the comets as well , so try blending those in more too. nice work on the flowers though - i love them.

  3. freshBlueO2 Nov 13, 2004

    This is really cute and romantic. Nice scans and background. (^_^)

  4. Limality Nov 14, 2004

    Hmm first off i like the background... but... theres faaaaaaaaar to many stars O_O its too crowded up there.... it would look better to have just a few stars on there with some of them sparkling.... thats the only thing i dont like about this wall :D

    Background: 5
    fx: 8
    Scan: 9
    Text: -
    Overall Feeling: 8.5 :D

    ja ne!

  5. tosirap Nov 14, 2004

    The tree doesn't look quite right (something about all the leaves being at the same angle). Everything else looks pretty good.

  6. Devilet Nov 14, 2004

    wow, that's is gorgeous!
    I love the flowers in the back, looks great, but I agree with Limality, too many stars..
    and the tree with the leaves is odd, cuz the leaves are floating ^^;
    but I really like this wallpaper, great concept, and very calming.. nice work!

  7. Frosty Nov 14, 2004

    very nice and pretty ^^
    the bg is pretty good. ^^
    I'm okay with the star but the tree looks funky. lol. but hey its not like I can do any better so can't complaint. lol. ^^
    overall it looks great. I would suggest just darken entire tree up so its like a shadow or change the leaves or something to make it look better there otherwise its a very pretty wallie. ^^
    b+ & + fav for a job well done. ^^

  8. damien Nov 14, 2004

    Nice wallpaper with a great background, despite the number of stars. Good job.

  9. evasion Nov 14, 2004

    Oh wow, great job with the starry background!

  10. diyo Nov 15, 2004

    Great one^^
    I really like the atmosphere of this wall. The background is wonderful and the girl is very cute. A little downside: in my opinion the leaves in the tree are quite weird.
    Still a great job^^
    Thanks for sharing. + fav

  11. blueotaku-sp Nov 15, 2004

    Hey nice!

    That wallie looks nice! althought the colors seem to not be the best still it's nice and kinda tender wallie! :) The BG fits very well the scan it's just that the colors seems kinda irreal 'cause in the wallie there's not enough light source to be that vivid colors and a LOT of stars! ^_^ that's the only thing that bugs me about the wallie then the rest it's just well done! and the BG it's excelent! :) The moon looks nice!
    Maybe ti's just that I didn't get the idea of why make it that bright if it's a night wallie!
    Finally well it's still a great wallie that just need minor fixes but (hey that's what I think my POfV) ^_^' I still like it!
    Still nice +Favs. Just Keep it up!! :)

  12. GintheTwilightswords Nov 15, 2004

    I think you did a greta job on the wall Yura.The stars are good,but what I would suggest is taking some of the smaller ones out and adding a few more bigger ones with some sparkles thrown in to make the wall look better.You did agood job on the tree,but i think making it alittle more defined by adding some branches will help.You did a fantastic job on the flowers,there are ver beautiful^uu^.Good choice of scan too,the girls expression fits well with the direction you went with this wall.Great work Yura :D !

  13. gundex Nov 16, 2004

    nice one yura-san!!! umm a little suggestion... i think there're too much stars at the sky... and the tree is OK but the shape is a little unnatural... (too round...??) but the flowers are nice... :D :D

  14. Val3f0r Nov 16, 2004

    Very gorgeous background... the flowers sure look really beautiful and the sparkling effects on the flowers ^^ although like some people said that the sky has too many stars :nya: and the leaves on the tree... looks like they aren't attach to the tree XD but the girl is very nice scan xd... still a great wall ^^

  15. tiantito Nov 18, 2004

    good job i like it very much .......is really good
    the scan is really cute.....

  16. synapse Nov 24, 2004

    keep on the good work !!!!!

  17. will1604 Banned Member Nov 27, 2004

    Very very nice wallpapers!!!
    Good work thank you ^^
    Great Website.

  18. boost Banned Member Dec 03, 2004

    I saw this girl right here on the other wall.......She looks fine here too

  19. aegisgat303 Jan 18, 2005

    The school girl is very pretty and sweet
    Moreover, the background also be nice

    Thank you very much.....

  20. raxis Feb 09, 2005

    wow!! nice wall, good job!! i really like the girl n the bg, thanks for sharing it!!
    +add to fav+

  21. eyeofthehawk Sep 16, 2005

    spiffy lookin i like the backround that shes in it really brings her alive

  22. Lafiel7 Nov 03, 2005

    so cute!

  23. abelini4 Mute Member Sep 10, 2009


  24. Evangelynn Nov 23, 2009

    The background is just WONDERFUL !

    The rest is good ;p

    Lol, thanks ^^

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