
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Wallpaper: "Me and Luna: Just a normal Cat"

Toei Animation, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Usagi Tsukino, Luna Wallpaper
Toei Animation Studio Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Series Usagi Tsukino Character Luna Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment




This is my first wallpaper for Wallpaper Games 2: Match 02: Pets!

This Match was started over in WG@AP in 2013. Was to end in Sept. but that didn't happen. So, it became WG-2's first contest match. Though I needed the time on this wall. Though I never start my walls right away.. so about 4-6 months of off and on work I'd say. Something like that.

I really took my time with this wall. Since, its is a complete vector wallpaper. All starting with Serena and Luna.

Image: http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i252/angel_earth_10/MT%20Wall%20Image%20Data/th_SerenaandLuna.jpg - [Original Scan from AP Gallery]

Serena and Luna was a fairly easy vector. I did however chance the overall colors and added some nice polish for Serena's nails. Also with this vector I went more for the natural outline colors of which I do not normally do. Mainly, because I don't like how it looks... or at least looks when I do it. So, this is a first for me.

The bedroom scene came from a screen shot from: Sailor Moon - Movie - Hearts in Ice.

Image: http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i252/angel_earth_10/MT%20Wall%20Image%20Data/th_04.jpg

I also took quite a few liberties with color and design in this vector. They are quite plain to see. So, I wont boar you with those details. Though I will advise that the Dresser may appear to wash out... but if you've ever had a white dresser before on a sunny day it really can appear this way. I use to have one. So, if you don't like it... I am sorry for that.

Versions: There are 3 versions to this wallpaper.

1. [Main] Follows the Screen Shot but adds a little extra glare for the window.

2. Follows the Screen Shot but leaves the window more clear.

3. Is what I called the 'Main Concept'. Its within the room as if you were standing in it. Things are fully completed. However, this one I think will take a special taste to like.

So, that is all for now. I hope you enjoy. I worked really hard on this wall. So, be kind.

Take Care;
[Special Thanks to: God/Jesus/Holy Spirit] - I'd of submitted without finishing 1 thing... I though was.

More Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Wallpapers

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  1. mirtillo Feb 16, 2014

    Reading what you wrote, seems that I have a 'special taste'. I love 3rd version! There colors are more bright, so the whole scene looks more happy and cute ^.^
    Natural outline colors are a perfect choice for this piece, imo.
    Adorable work Angel-chan!

    Edit (November 1st, 2014)



    Thanks for your participation!
    From: WG-2 Mod. Mirtillo


  2. tpmike Mar 23, 2016

    nice and beautiful wallpaper

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