
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Wallpaper: Epyon

Sunrise (Studio), Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Wallpaper

1920x1080 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Original file is located at http://www.theanimegallery.com/gallery/image:133573/mobile-suit-gundam-wing:gundam-epyon
I felt the picture was an amazing starting point for an Epyon wallpaper but it lacked the final "oomph"
I hope you enjoy the edited version as much as I do.

Change log: 1
Deleted explosions, Deleted thruster light and replaced with particles, updated the 5 stars to many more throughout the whole scene, added a few filters to improve the overall; lighting, color and shadows, added meta-data to the new file (had none)

I didn't put my signature into the picture because I wasn't the original artist on this piece. (Original source file I had also had no signature.)

Change log: 2
Changed background to add many more stars, added signature on Epyon's wing.

Change log: 3
Added a Closed-Type O'Neill Colony in the background. More information about real life space colonies here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O%27Neill_cylinder

Change log: 4
Worked on the fine tuning out some jagged edges, replaced Closed-Type O'Neill Colony in the background with a Colony from A.C instead of the U.C. colony I had.

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  1. angelxxuan Banned Member Dec 22, 2013

    first and foremost you might want to add more info in the artist comment, that might not be acceptable, and second, is there a signature in there somewhere? pieces around here tend to get deleted without a signature and/or better artist comment section. it is simple and nice all the same, it's good to see some of the older gundam still getting the love.

  2. Fran Retired Moderator Dec 22, 2013

    Please provide a more in depth description and add your signature to the wallpaper. Otherwise it'll be deleted.

  3. Alenas Retired Moderator Dec 23, 2013

    Quote by bigpandaI didn't put my signature into the picture because I wasn't the original artist on this piece.

    Most wallpapers here feature images/scans that were made by other artists so it's fine as long as it's not a blatant copy/paste image of the original scan without any alterations made to it. Since you have made some effort to change some things and add some of your own, the wallpaper is acceptable but a signature is still required on a wallpaper to mark it as your own work. Otherwise, as Fran has said - it will have to be deleted.

    Regarding the wallpaper itself, some more stars and variety of colors and lights around that galaxy would be appreciated to make it look like it's really in space; right now, it looks more like the Gundam is in a really dark place with snow falling around it. You might want to check some of the most popular walls in the Space Tag category to get a few ideas.

  4. back07 Dec 24, 2013

    nice wallpaper, i love the dark color

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