
Bakemonogatari Wallpaper: Platinum Nights

Shaft (Studio), Bakemonogatari, Tsukihi Araragi, Vector Art Wallpaper
Shaft (Studio) Studio Bakemonogatari Series Tsukihi Araragi Character Vector Art Source

2560x1440 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Okay... This is my very first time trying to vector a scenery. I started with a screenshot from the final episode of Nisemonogatari. I loved Tsukihi's room since I saw it in the anime, and now, I tried to make something basing on it. I used shapes -some with no fill, just stroke- and pen tool to compose all the elements. The stairs pissed me off, they kept looking strange for me all the time, but I did it the same way. And for the first time in my life, I used groups to the layers... Yeah, I've never thought I would need.

After everything, I used blue in the background and searched for some moon and stars brushes. For some reason, all my brushes vanished from the program and I'm trying to replace with some other new. I found some that fitted my ideas and used: The moon in the center, duplicated with some outer glow to the light, and stars brushes all around the moon. I liked the results, but I still couldn't finish it: I had no scan.

I searched for some Tsukihi scans and, after I find the one, I started vectoring. I'm having some problems validating my Illustrator and I'm still not comfortable in vectoring there, so I made as my previous vectors: Used Paint Tool Sai for the lineart and Photoshop for the colors and shading. After -I think- three days of work, I had no patience to draw all the little white flowers on Tsukihi's kimono, and also, I wanted something different. So I changed: The kimono turned into pink and the sash, into green.

So, the vector was finished. I tested some sizes of it before placing Tsukihi on the bed. I tried to make some messy sheets, but yeah, they went out really bad. Back to the wallie, it was a pain to make her fit the dark, blue lighting of the room. I used a black filled layer with clipping mask and less opacity over her, color balance's blue two times, I tried some inner glow, things like that. Trying to make some illumination in the window was even more terrible. I just couldn't make it fit in a good way, so, near the end, I gave up x.x

And also, I got the feeling I couldn't make Tsukihi's vector fit the scenery. I tried and tried, even used a ice texture over it all as a blending attempt. But I'm still an amateur, forgive me if it's not stunning or "perfect", like some other wallpapers on MT.

Screenshot: Here (yeah, I resized it)
Original scan: Here. I changed her smile to make something more "calming".

In the end, I made all of these alternative versions: Some with the ice texture, some without, some with the sheets, some without, one without Tsukihi nor sheets, and some with just her silhouettes. Well, I like silhouettes... It's up to you to decide which you liked most.

That's all for today. Thanks and please forgive me if I wrote something wrong too.

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  1. kamuinoyume Apr 03, 2013

    Beautiful wall! I like the one where she's just a shadow in the BG better. It just feels like she's too bright in the normal version. But it's still beautiful!

  2. ChaoticMirage Apr 06, 2013

    Very beautiful wallpaper (O_O)/ yeah :) thanks and here is your fav+1 :)

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