Nice vector, like it colours
2560x1600 Wallpaper
This wall was made from this scan
I vectored all elements (very long and hard), then I worked on the whole atmosphere in playing with colours and
contrast. I change some bushes in adding more detailed leaves. The vectors was made with Photoshop CS3 (as usual!)
I like this anime, their relationship is so moved! I chose this picture because of their pose, the perspective and the
warm atmosphere...
I hope you'll like it!
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Nice vector, like it colours
Lovely, nice work once again.
Thanks for sharing this
Again,Very Nice vector made by you ^^
i especially liked the hair of Victorique,also the whole elements in this one
Well,what i can say....i Loved this and waiting for more of you :)
Oh, this is an anime I have just discovered recently and it's nice to see a wall of it. I admire your work on Victorique's hair and I'm stunned by all those different plants you put in the bg. Awesome vectoring as always! :)
Very well done! Thank you.
I really like Victorique's hair. The plants are done well and the bird on the right is a nice touch.
Kawaii kawaii kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
So cute
Kawaii kawaii! Soooo cuteeee!
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