Was the other one deleted because it didn't have a signature in it....? Since I can' t see your signature in
this one...maybe you did this simply mistake ( we did all at the beginning)..
Please put your sign in it, this is one of the most common reason of deletion :(
Artist Comment
I hope this wallpaper doesn't get removed like my other one... The background was made by combining 3 different images! But, I think it turned out beautiful. :D
Hope you guys like this!
Message: "The world of today will someday destroy our hearts"
Original scan: ^^
Background images: [x][x][x]
# of textures used: 1 (one of the background images)
**This wallpaper may also be found on theOtaku, but I did not steal that work- I had posted this wallpaper previously on
that website**
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Raffachan Jan 24, 2012
SolemnSerpent Jan 24, 2012
It might be my eyes, but I don't see your signature on this - if that's true, then please update this wallpaper with your signature added, or it may risk being deleted. - Raffa' already mentioned it first, lol.
As for the wallpaper - I think this is a good wallpaper, an improvement from your previous in terms of intricacy and depth. I also think you did a good job of evenly distributing the colors throughout the wallpaper (like the yellows, blues), and it serves to make this a much stronger piece. Aside from that, there are some areas that can be improved:
Rin's clothes can be altered, to make it looks more seamless, and less cut off. A good example of this is [this wallpaper] - the clothes edges can be either softened, or edited a certain way to make it seem like cropped/incomplete, (which is how the scan version looks). The text is another thing - I really like the yellow text, but the gray text doesn't mesh well with the rest of the wallpaper, in terms of style. Perhaps trying a different font for it/giving it the same texture as everything else would make it flow evenly.
Last thing - I wish this was sharper. There's an unevenness of sharpness, and considering the sharp edges and technological atmosphere to this, I think it looks too soft in many areas. Other than what I've mentioned; I think this is a decent wallpaper & that you incorporated the various scans very well into the final product - nice work.
xRedPhoenix Jan 24, 2012
Besides what was already mentioned, the scan cuts off bluntly on the left side. (The black bar that sticks out slightly above her leg.) I know this because i worked with this scan before. It can be easily extended or perhaps cropped out to look more like a point rather than a blunt stop. Pen tool is your friend!
rosu Jan 25, 2012
Nice effect creating the bg using those scans. The typography fits the whole image very well. :)
Also, to reply to the person directly (as we won't get a notification that you replied) press "Quote in Guestbook" instead. -
Fran Retired Moderator Jan 25, 2012
You need to make your signature more noticeable. Or else it'll be deleted.
The background looks enlarged imo, you might need to work that, try sharpening it.
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