
Fullmetal Alchemist Wallpaper: Delusionary

BONES, Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric, Doujinshi Wallpaper
BONES Studio Fullmetal Alchemist Series Edward Elric Character Doujinshi Source

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hi! Thanks to 3Pride for this awesome scan!


I just love it! So I vectored Ed and create a vectored city in the spirit of the anime. I used some picture to help me:
by Scampi

and finally worked on the general atmosphere in playing with colors, saturation, shining effect on the sword,... I made one version by day and one by night.

i hope you'll like!

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  1. MisaSasekage Moderator May 08, 2011

    The sword looks cool^^ The moon in the background is also very nice, I like that you chose to use a night setting.

  2. YagamiJudai May 09, 2011

    Wow, the first time I see Ed like this. Awesome wall.

  3. ChaoticMirage May 09, 2011

    fantastic artwork i like the shine of the sword :) thx 4 share :) fav+1 :)

  4. rosu May 09, 2011

    ooh. love eds look here. nice vector of the bg..

  5. riho88riho May 09, 2011

    Some of the lines around the light on the lamps looks a tad jagged (don't know if that could've been avoided or not though >.<) But otherwise awesome. I do like that you changed the color of his uniform to black which suits both him, the wallpaper, and even the series better (he never wore the blue one to my knowledge). Also, I do love the city and think you did a fantastic job with it. Only thing I might suggest would be a bit more texture to the buildings in the back. The one right up close to the left shows a few cracks so it isn't too bad, but the others are a tab bit too smooth for me. OH but love it all anyway <3

  6. wingedspirit May 10, 2011

    *squeel* aaaaaah! I love it! Is the scan from a doushinji then? If so would you happen to know which one? I like the light effect on his sword!And everything else about it!

  7. kamuinoyume May 11, 2011

    Wow. The wall looks superb! and the vector is awesome! Nice job!

  8. VampireFMA May 11, 2011

    Awesome wall! I love it! <3
    I think this is the cover of Bambi Takada's Seisei Ruten. Ah I love her work ^w^

  9. Shkira May 14, 2011

    Yea, I LOVE this picture of Ed! He looks great and you did a lovely job of turning it into a wall. Thank you!

  10. shigin1 Jun 14, 2011

    very nice i love that background!

  11. xTess Feb 13, 2012

    I love this wallpaper! *O*

  12. fatetastarossa Apr 12, 2013

    gahhh Edward in military suit ><

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