
Gintama Wallpaper: fly away

Hideaki Sorachi, Sunrise (Studio), Gintama, Kagura Wallpaper
Hideaki Sorachi Mangaka Sunrise (Studio) Studio Gintama Series Kagura Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

my first Yato Kagura wall

i used this vector by soujiokita of minitokyo


i used the following images in creating the background


then i added parchment texture

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  1. KaitoCrystal Mar 09, 2011

    i like the color,make me remember sth. past

  2. cromwell1655 Mar 09, 2011

    Even if I don't love too much this series, the scan looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. josephine12cute Mar 09, 2011

    Do you really have to import the sources you used in your imageshack account? Its much better if you give links to where you actually found it. It might be rude to the original artist...

    Alright! The wallpaper is nice. Although the cleanliness of the vector reveals the excessive pixelation of the sources you used. It actually hurts my eye, honestly. I thought the sources you had were super huge, but I was wrong. Of all the sources, the bird image shows the most noticeable pixels. I suggest you use sources that are bigger than the resolution you are actually working on so that you'll just scale down instead of making it bigger (w/c lowers its quality).

  4. hendou Mar 09, 2011

    Quote by josephine12cuteDo you really have to import the sources you used in your imageshack account? Its much better if you give links to where you actually found it. It might be rude to the original artist...

    Alright! The wallpaper is nice. Although the cleanliness of the vector reveals the excessive pixelation of the sources you used. It actually hurts my eye, honestly. I thought the sources you had were super huge, but I was wrong. Of all the sources, the bird image shows the most noticeable pixels. I suggest you use sources that are bigger than the resolution you are actually working on so that you'll just scale down instead of making it bigger (w/c lowers its quality).

    yeah, i have too. rude? i don't think so. the images i found have their trademarks on it. so you can still see who's the owner. i put them in imageshack since i downloaded them a long time ago so i don't know their original links. at least, i give them credits through linking.

    still have much to learn. i'm practicing to blend the vector more on the background. it looks like pixelated because of the texture. i didn't stretch them out, the flower and the text, except for the bird. to make it not noticeable, i added texture. looks already alright on my screen. but i guess not on yours. i think our monitor is already too old -_- it doesn't have a good view of the real contrast and brightness of the wall, that's why i don't notice that my work (the bird) is pixelated.

    merged: 03-09-2011 ~ 11:37pm

    Quote by cromwell1655Even if I don't love too much this series, the scan looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing it.

    no problem. thanks for the comment. i used a vector, then the images that i have put together.

    merged: 03-09-2011 ~ 11:38pm

    Quote by KaitoCrystali like the color,make me remember sth. past

    the past :o ?

    thanks. i aimed it to be paperlike in color.

  5. halissin Mar 10, 2011

    i really like it this is going as my computer theme

  6. hendou Mar 10, 2011

    Quote by halissini really like it this is going as my computer theme

    thanks ^_^

  7. lemonchello Mar 10, 2011

    Great wp! Love the colours. Interesting idea.

  8. monster33 Mar 10, 2011

    I really like this wally <3 It makes me want to fly away too!
    Great job ^^

  9. hendou Mar 10, 2011

    Quote by lemonchelloGreat wp! Love the colours. Interesting idea.

    thanks ^_^

    merged: 03-11-2011 ~ 12:30am

    Quote by monster33I really like this wally <3 It makes me want to fly away too!
    Great job ^^

    thanks ^_^

  10. Cpuroast Mar 11, 2011

    nice texture in the background!

  11. ddrstrike Mar 20, 2011

    grat wallpaper, i like so much. You can make one of Gintoki, please?

  12. hendou Mar 20, 2011

    Quote by Cpuroastnice texture in the background!

    thank you ^_^

    merged: 03-21-2011 ~ 12:51am

    Quote by ddrstrikegrat wallpaper, i like so much. You can make one of Gintoki, please?

    thanks ^_^ a gintoki wall? sure, if i have time. just find me a gintoki scan/screenshot/sketch/art you'd like me to work on ^_^

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