Not a bad job at all. I love this series myself so I enjoy it when someone puts things like this up :3 I'm not sure if the title is really suitable for this scene though. But I do love it so +fav
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One of the first wallpapers I ever made. I found this scan on livejournal and basically made it into a wallpaper. I know, a noob move but still I think it came out all right. But now I have Photoshop and color my own scans and my favorite series is Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. So most...or all of my wallpapers will be of that, lmao.
Okay I know the title sounds a bit....retarded but keep in mind that I was in my freshman/sophmore year of high school when I made this xD; If I had made it today i definitely would have put better title. But since it was my very first wallie, I wanted to keep it the way I originally created it.
@ Eriker - Hella yes he is stabbing xD
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DreamyDoll Apr 04, 2010
Eriker May 05, 2010
Man, he is stabbing not cutting xD
SukiRin May 28, 2010
this is just wonderful^^^
ashiiya May 28, 2010
GAH this is one of my favorite scenes~! (although the amount of blood makes it seem like he's gonna die right on the spot with his leg severely cut off xDD ah the beauty of anime/manga)
It retains that artsy/sketchy feel though, I love it >:]]
ChaoticMirage Nov 09, 2010
wow! a fighting scene :O a fantastic one :O jeje XD good paper thx :D
JsGirl2010 Jan 06, 2011
Syaorun and Syaorun....Who win?..
thank you for Sharing Wallpaper..
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