
Candidate for Goddess Wallpaper: Don't Look Back

Yukiru Sugisaki, Xebec, Candidate for Goddess, Kizna Towryk Wallpaper
Yukiru Sugisaki Mangaka Xebec Studio Candidate for Goddess Series Kizna Towryk Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Title: Don't Look Back
Series: Candidate for Goddess
Characters: Kizna

I do love this series *sigh* I just so wish it'd gone farther. But alas, what can't happen, won't. Anyway! This is the wallpaper of Kizna I made. It took a bit for me to get it right in my mind. My first attempt, the background was too dark -> sky blue kinda lookin' which didn't go well with the big face trying to stand out but not disappear. Then I tried just black, which actually looked better, if not a tad plain. Randomly I attempted white with the stars and stuff shades of blue. It actually looked rather nice...if not a bit too "not sad" after all, Kizna isn't exactly smilin' in this wallpaper. So I went with a name that suited it. She's kinda blanked out right now as if not thinking of anything (which could MEAN a lot of things) and she's kinda lookin' back so...I thought "Don't Look Back" would be a good name for it.

The bigger image of her in the back might actually be my favorite part of this wallpaper. I don't exactly remember how I did it, but I messed around with it a lot. Because of the multicolors on top of her, you can't tell but I actually grayed the larger background image of her. This allowed her to remain dark and in the background while taking color from the stars and dust on top of the image. I actually tried it with the smaller, left side image of her (the greying out) but then it just lacked too much color and that side image didn't stand out at all (it just of is a big part of the wallie).

Anyway! In the end, the background turned out a navy-black and the starts didn't hide or overpower the overall effect. Cha! ^-^ I personally think this might have been my best yet.

The vector credit goes to (http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/312766) Sillymoogle who posted this vector here at minitokyo. However...sometimes I don't understand the wills of those who make vectors. The image itself didn't say to credit back nor the post, so I'm not sure if I was allowed to use the vector (if not tell me, and I'll remove this instantly)... but I did want to give credit to sillymoogle in both the post and the wallpaper itself. After all, this wallie wouldn't be anything without her awesome vector. ^___^ Thanks a bunch and hope I did the vector justice and thatcha all like it.

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  1. sillymoogle Mar 30, 2010

    um, sillymoogle... I'm a guy...
    Anyways, a quick critique.

    These are the areas I think could be improved.

    ---Asymmetrical balance: It's a little too light on the side with Kizna. To better balance, try adding another light object on the right side. Maybe a planet, moon, a large galaxy or the space station.

    ---Emphasis: I'm going out on a limb and saying the middle portrait of Kizna. This is where my eyes go to because it's in focus and easier on my eyes to rest. I think the Kizna in the foreground is supposed to be the focus. However, its so light that it looks out of focus. If using the level adjustments... I would focus more on the raising the level of the mid-levels.

    These are just suggestions on how to improve this wallpaper. Hope it helps.

  2. Sujamasakae Apr 08, 2010

    I like their views and their color eyes (translated with google)

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