Oh looks good
I wish i know whatever happen at the end

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This image is nearly done, but can stand on it's own until I get the finishing touches on it.
I have started and stopped this image so many times, it's not funny. The original was found here on MT. Kizuna by asciic
I've been working on this since May 16, 2006... and have restarted it 2 times. (in other words, it's the 3rd
incarnation of this vector trace). Why did I have to do it so many times? Originally, I got a better vectoring program
Illustrator 8 --> Illustrator CS2 (version 11). Next, I got better at tracing objects with vectors...
When I finally got Illustrator CS3, I decided to just convert the file, rather than starting from scratch for a 3rd
time. I also have improved with using meshes... although I have not submitted any yet at MT.
Here's a look of the progress I've made from beginning to current status
I wanted a version of this to be with Kizna without the Cat/Fox ears. However, I have submitted (3rd update) with
Everything here in the foreground was done in Illustrator. Like all of my submitted vectors, I import the ai file into Photoshop. Seems to consistently give me best images for the web, even though I'm only specifying "DPI". This rendering is @ 300 DPi. The cloud background is rendered in Photoshop as well.
What needs completion? Meshes with the suit's "life support" tubes.
Update 1: added more wrinkles in the suit, and orb. These were objects that would have messed up Live Paint.
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gundragon Dec 29, 2007
Darkholm Mar 05, 2011
I really love the eyes on this one!
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