thanks a lof for the share :D
merged: 05-01-2010 ~ 05:44pm
thanks a lof for the share :D
merged: 05-01-2010 ~ 05:45pm
I love Colette vV
thanks a lof for the share :D
Finally, I made a wall ^^. I'm happy that I could make another wallie ( somehow MT issue was right about making 4 walls over the entire year. It also said the laziness and lack of inspiration kicks in about halfway and that's true ^^;;;)
A very simple wallie, added some clouds, changed the vector, added some petals, and then the text.
Awesome Vector by : Kitten.
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thanks a lof for the share :D
merged: 05-01-2010 ~ 05:44pm
thanks a lof for the share :D
merged: 05-01-2010 ~ 05:45pm
I love Colette vV
thanks a lof for the share :D
simple and love the color choices. the almost singular color makes for a very soft and monotone feel that adds a layer of simplicity and creativity.
coooooooooooooooooool kazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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