
Tales of Symphonia Wallpaper: Dearest Treasure (cOloRful VersioN)

Tales of Symphonia, Lloyd Irving, Colette Brunel Wallpaper
Tales of Symphonia Series,OVA,Game Lloyd Irving Character Colette Brunel Character

2048x1536 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

kay! This is for those who like ColletexLloyd or at least either character. :D I like 'em both! :D duh!

Here's the stats!

Difficulty: One of the toughest wallies I've ever made, so yeah, it was hard.

amount of days: 2-3 whole days from morning to late at night (was on vacation so i had the time)

Flaw? TOO BIG! OMG! I even went through the trouble of freakishly enlarging the photos! still had to shrink the stock photo.. but OMG! It wasn't until I actually finished the whole thing and put it on my desktop that I realized, it was a waste to make it so huge. But hey.. someone MUST be out there that has a screen that huge, right? But at least the wallie is decently fit when I put it on "center" on my laptop. So if you have a laptop, give it a try. :p

Theme?: I don't want to put a spoiler but.. there's a part in the game where Collette isn't sure about who and what she is. That big picture there is from that part in the game XD ( a doujinshi of it at least ). But to get her through it, she remembers all the times she spent with Lloyd and the promises they made to each other.. (not making this up). I found it touching. So I did my best to illustrate it. And since they both love going on adventures (another reason why I luff this couple soooo much) I decided to do it on a treasure theme. So I hopr it lived to the expectation of that. Her treasure is her memories. That's what will give her the strength to go on. :3

#of layers: around 32 layers minus the text so it's a bit more than 32 total.

effects used?: overlay basically. yeah, most of it is normal and overlay.

filters?: gaussian blur (fuhgive, i can't really remember the others but mostly what i used was gaussian blur because that's what they say to use in tutorials..) Oh yeah! I also used the "grainy" filter. And the "noise" filter! How could I forget! I wanted some of the pics to look like sketches. To greater emphasize "memory" since I didn't make them look like photos taken by camera like most collages. I had to use grain to make one or two of the pics look better. I know you'd rather have it clean, but again! For the sake of not making it look like a cheap thrown together of pictures (which is why most collages hardly get faved) I had to make it seem more interesting than that. If you want the clean originals, just google it.

tools used?: eraser (normal, airbrush, and magic eraser), brush, magic wand, crop tool, gradient tool, blur tool, burn tool, type tool, direct selection tool, rectangular marquee tool, eyedropper tool, hand tool.

# of stock photos: 1

# of anime photos: 9 (minus their duplicates for cleaning X0 )

Credit Goes To..: all people who deserve credit is written on the wallie itself. It's a lot so... But basically, most brushes are from dA. But the people/sites in specific and such, like i said, written on the wallie.

How I did it?: Well.. first off I pick a color.. The color dictates the theme of my wallies so I always pick a color even if it can't be seen in the end. And the color was a reddish brown. But somehow it turned into this reflection of pink? -> E7C5C5.

kay.. then after i go around google, collecting all the photos I want to use, I open 'em all up and decide a placement for each of them. Once everybody is in their desired positions, I clean every single one of them, starting with the biggest. While cleaning, so I don't get distracted, I make all the other layers invisible except for the underlying colored layer. It helps me see better when it comes to erasing & cleaning. In my opinion, it works better than a white background.

After everybody's all cleaned up (which wasn't easy. especially since all of these images came from second-hand fan sites), I organize their position yet again. Once I'm satisfied, I make a few of them invisible and work on the background itself. I used a bit of brushes for that. Not too much. Why?
Because I want to bring out the pictures not overcrowd it. I didn't want the images to seem... cheap? Like "oooh pretty picture! but i can barely see it..." So that's why. I wanted it to be an eye candy. :D

So the basic element of this was? The stock photo! YES! The stock photo was incredibly huge. Not only that, but its quality wasn't perfect so I had to make around 5-6 copies of it. Blending, overlaying. And sticking them under and over some elements of the picture. It was complicated. And that's what I spent most of my time doing. -.-; And if you want to know what that is, it's a light thingy. Chandellire? I know I spelled it wrong. -.- Anyway, you can;t even tell what it is, that's how crazy it was!

Anyway, after all that is done, I have to go through some last minute blending.
So that way it can match the theme of being like a "treasure". But instead of jewelry, it's all her memories of Lloyd. :3

FINAL WORD: my final word is, I worked amazingly hard on this. I've been sleeping at 1:00 am days straight for this. I even gave up playing video games for this. I hope it pays off. Most collages are failures. But I hope you give this collage a chance and full view it.



~ Dark Version of this wallie coming SOON ~
Thanks for reading, viewing, downloading, faving!

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  1. MiMi Oct 08, 2008

    oh, you forgot to put Cafe-TB on the group's list (i know neither Vocaloid 2 nor Shugo-Chara will suit the wall, but in cafe-tb is a wall community XD )
    and about the wall: nice job!

  2. BloodWolfX Oct 10, 2008

    Wow... You must have amazing willpower to do this.
    Great job.
    What is the writing on the lower right edge?

  3. AnimeHungry Oct 10, 2008

    This is sweet! Collete + Lloyd ftw! +Fav! You say colorful version on title meaning there is another?

  4. Limitations Feb 10, 2010

    Wow, I love it! Collete and Lloyd are so kawi together.

  5. belzalute Feb 03, 2011

    giving up playing video games is a very hard thing to do
    so i really appreciate you taking your time off and complete this marvelous wall
    thankyou very much

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