
KEI Wallpaper: Calamitous Angel

KEI, Studio Nomad, Rozen Maiden, Suigintou Wallpaper
KEI Mangaka Studio Nomad Studio Rozen Maiden Series Suigintou Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Happy [early] Birthday Chirsta-chan!

:sweat: i'm sorry it's not code geass or khr

yes this belongs to the KEI category not Rozen Maiden since it's Kei's artwork
Layers: 137
Time: 1-2 weeks (not sure I've been working on other stuff too)
Image: here
Program: SAI 3.0 and photoshop cs2 for the text
Alternative Version: text

it's my first work that's done entirely in sai. sai dosen't work well w/ photoshop stuff done in sai opends slowly in ps and vice versa. not sure if it looks better with text or without

more resolutions at AP soon
and all of the resolutions at Kuroyuki in a while

EDIT: yes it's suppose to be the plain messy sketchy look =P i didn't want to go with anything too complicated, but it's not like i didn't work on the bg, if you look carefully and a little from the bottom of ur screen you'll see there's actually lots of strokes there


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  1. christabel92 Mar 01, 2009

    Wow,for me?Thanx a lot...I was really surprised...
    It doesn't matter if it's not Code geass or KHR...it's still amazing...I love the way your painted this,and also the sketch feel...it's really peaceful and beautiful...btw,what's SAI?

    Thanx again,kuryuki-chan *hugs*

  2. akira-sophia Mar 01, 2009

    beautiful...such an atmospheric piece.
    It reflects... melancholy. gorgeous.

  3. animelover901120 Mar 01, 2009

    really beautiful pure plain....like it

  4. Kitaan Retired Moderator Mar 01, 2009

    It's a nice drawing though I think maybe it was best
    staying one, not that you did a bad job but since you didn't
    do much with the bg it looks very plain and messy. I would have liked
    to see a new bg with it or perhaps you could have drawn a body to go with
    Next time when you do a open paint job you should make
    sure to make it look not so messy and dirty, a bit more smudging could
    help it and also adding text was a nice addition. I like the text version better,
    good luck with your other painting jobs.

  5. icegaze7 Mar 01, 2009

    this is a gorgeous wall! a bit on the plain side, but it's well done. thanks for sharing!

  6. trofikabinet Mar 01, 2009

    I really like it kuryuki :D
    MAybe the bg is a little bit plain (just white), I prefer the version with the text:)
    And I looove how you painted it ^_^

  7. xAnime4Lifex Mar 01, 2009

    Very nicely done. I really like the sketchy "messy" style. It gives it a very modern and artsy feel. I'm going to use this as my wallpaper because it's very nice wallpaper to look at and I really like the colors. Keep up the great work.

  8. vitaamin Mar 01, 2009

    i really think you should have just kept the bg white, or done actual squares like the scan, the bg is too messy for comfort.

    rawrs i love sai too >]

    just a thought, the text version wuold look better if the text blended more, as in if it were colored with the water color effects rather just straight text, its too sharp for the painting. also it should be placed slightly off balance somewhere, i dont know

  9. DarthTofu Mar 01, 2009

    Nice painting style, love the colors. :) In the thumb it's obvious that there's something wonky going on with the composition. If there was even a little bit more space in front of her, I think it would look much better.

    I love the way you put brought out the colors of the original, but where the hair fades off, the strokes are haphazard and messy. The splotches of darker strokes aren't very aesthetically pleasing to the overall form. I'm a huge fan of the "loose/sketchy" paint style, but I don't feel that it works well unless the strokes are more confidant. Remember, more?better.

  10. ShanaFlare Mar 02, 2009

    wow,the art work is just gorgeous!^^
    excellent stuff and thanks for sharing :)

  11. jns Mar 02, 2009

    Love the sketchy and incomplete look it has
    the painting is awesome as always
    Ur getting quite used to sai, huh?

  12. Unleashed88 Mar 03, 2009

    Volla! Its Magnificent art work! Love it Very much Thanks ya!

  13. MapleRose Retired Moderator Mar 04, 2009

    Sai is awesome =D

    Anyway, nice painting, I love the brush strokes, but esp the multiple colours you used in her hair

  14. Raipe Mar 05, 2009

    This is pretty cool.
    There is something that I don't like, but I don't know what it is, hmmm...
    But still, there is so many things what makes me like it, It's beutiful, little bit mysterious :D
    Good job ;D

  15. kamylo Mar 06, 2009

    wow great wall : ]

  16. Rufusek Mar 15, 2009

    I can't find words to explain why and how I like this one. I will just call it masterpiece I really like this

  17. cma31 Mar 29, 2009

    I like this a lot. There isn't much color to it, but the style you used made it look really cool!

  18. denitoo Apr 04, 2009

    rozen maiden =] I like this anime :D

  19. Eltran Apr 05, 2009

    Thanks for the artwork ! :)

  20. Oblivion01 Jan 22, 2010

    I love the art style in this where the light obscures her wings..Good job!

  21. Hayate666 Feb 11, 2010

    this is a really great wall, it looks just like a real painting

  22. JustMeeh95 Feb 23, 2010

    this is a really great wall, it looks just like a real painting

  23. SandyMiau Mar 13, 2010

    Gothic, misterious, so pretty... I like it!

  24. drknessangel Jun 05, 2010

    love the picture xD nice job

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