
Memories Off Wallpaper: Eien no Wakare...

Mutsumi Sasaki, Memories Off, Asuka Hina Wallpaper
Mutsumi Sasaki Mangaka Memories Off Series,Visual Novel Asuka Hina Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Vector #94

About Vector:
Layer's: 54
Time: around 14-15 hours
Easiest Part: dolphin pendant (minus the chains)
Hardest Part: chains and hair
Original Image: HERE

Oh wow... sure took me long to finish this vector! But I love Asuka-chan expressions, and of course the whole situation on the original scans, thus leading me to vector this scans instead. Anyways, for those who didn't know.. the girl is Hina Asuka, from Memories OFF #5: The Unfinished Film (she also re-appear in the sequel game, Memories OFF #5: Encore). I've never play the game, but because of her older brother (the one in the background) I've come to know the games and characters (and just 3 month ago, I finally had the chance to watch the OVA). So, what's so special about her older brother? Because Sakurai Takahiro voice Hina Yusuke! :nya: And Yusuke theme song, "I Wish..." is my most favorite Sakurai songs. So, yeah.. that's why ^_^'

Anyways, the original scans had half of her hair cut off.. so I had no choice but to add them. Well, luckily Asuka-chan hair is pretty long.. so all I have to do is dragged it until the bottom of the scans. Just one problem though... her hair wasn't supposed to be THAT long. Ehehehe... I'm too lazy to repair it again, so I leave it just like that.
For the coloring, I decided to use the original styles. A lot of smudges was used for it, and honestly... I almost went crazy. But they went well >_< So, me happy again! And yeah, sorry if her tears look strange. I did my best, but I still couldn't do it right ^_^'

About Wallpaper:
Layer's: 30
Time: 8 hours
Background Reference: I forgot where I got it!

In my original idea, I just want to made a beach/sunset theme. Actually, I already did. I use one of the scene in the OVA, and vector them. But somehow, after I've finished... I don't like it very much. I like the theme, but... it's too simple, so I decided to try something else. Saw the window scans in my folder, and I decided to use that instead. But since I still like the original theme, I put the sunset behind that. And of course, Yusuke silhouette. Jaaaannn! That's more like it!

Now to the question why "Eien no Wakare", Asuka-chan crying and Yusuke silhouette. "Eien no Wakare" means Eternal Parting, which explains why Asuka-chan crying, coz her elder brother, Yusuke, died. And that pendant symbolize their close relationship. Yusuke was the one who gives her that pendant (he made it himself using surf clam), as a protective charm :(

vectory celestial-luminesse vector-wallers

P/S: WideScreen available at AP, as usual!

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  1. Onimusaru Nov 02, 2008

    Superbly done. Keep up the good work. :)

  2. YoruAngel866 Nov 02, 2008

    beautiful eeva :D
    its beautiful, of course, the vector is excellent as always and i adore the background :D
    btw do you have version without the character in the background?
    great job on the elite, you deserved it :D

  3. dragon316 Nov 02, 2008

    its women like her remind me why im still alone wonderful

  4. WindAlchemist Nov 02, 2008

    This is a very beautiful wallpaper, but I agree with YoruAngel, I think it would look much better without the character behind her. Its way too faded out to even be able to tell what exactly it is and kinda of throws off the wallpaper because your eye is drawn to it trying to see it and figure out what it is. Everything else is absolutely great!

  5. kuryuki Nov 02, 2008

    wow this is beautiful!

  6. vitaamin Nov 02, 2008

    its gorgeous and a well deserved elite. i dont mind the chara in the background but i do wish you blurring the background just a tad, esp since the roses are so bold and kind of distract me. and i wish her tears had a bit more a glow to them but thats just me =]

    wow #94. i hope i'm as good as you when i get to 94 T_T

  7. chefmike Nov 02, 2008

    the use of light is very well done. It's interesting how it leads the focus to the breast area. I agree it would be better without the character behind, but it's not that much of a distraction

  8. tsuki-akari Nov 02, 2008

    gorgeous vector, beatiful wall :D the lightning is very well done...
    oh and i love her expression too XD

  9. babyblueshakira Nov 02, 2008

    the vector is awesome!
    you made a very beautiful wallpaper of her!
    good job!
    fav+ XD

  10. Straawbeeryy Nov 02, 2008

    Ugh, the character in the background is so distracting me. I think you should remove it.
    Otherwise, everything about this wall is gorgeous. The lighting effect, the vector, the background. <3

  11. ShanaFlare Nov 02, 2008

    oh marvelous wallpaper! i love everything about it! thanks for sharing :)

  12. Evanchrist Nov 03, 2008

    incredible :nya: hope to see more awesome works from you XD

  13. Sinever Nov 03, 2008

    your vector is amazing :D
    I love the background & I also love the lightning :)
    well done & its a highlight ;)

  14. meow0209 Nov 03, 2008

    The vector is superb!

  15. christabel92 Nov 04, 2008

    I like the vectoring here...you did an amazing job...also,the coloring is superb...only I wish there wasn't the reflection in the window...but nevermind that :)
    I love it XD

  16. hartidoctor Mute Member Nov 04, 2008

    wow,the wall looks nice! great job

    merged: 11-04-2008 ~ 02:51pm
    wow,the wall looks nice! great job

  17. supersillious Nov 05, 2008

    kool stuff

  18. eria9 Nov 05, 2008

    love it on ap love it here!

  19. ylopez Nov 05, 2008

    beautiful work! i LOve the lighting! X)

  20. temarigenius Nov 06, 2008

    Wow wow! Love the color very much~
    Sunsets are always awesome~
    I have no idea how you can make vectors and wallpaper look so nice! >_<
    I want your skill! *_*
    Not much to say because it is flawless!~
    Btw, it's cool that you put the guy in the background, it looks cool!~ :D

  21. starchan-786 Nov 07, 2008

    Wow that is amazing great job!

  22. Fxvcvfg Nov 08, 2008

    Looks like a praiseworthy, well polished wall to me. Only thing is, the sunset looks a bit too artificial, especially the parts of it that's actually on the shadowed wall. Still deserves my fav.

  23. IcyBlade Nov 08, 2008

    wow, a superb art,

    it's full of coloring, nice job!

    another thing, the way you put the effects are perfectly done ^^, keep up the good work!

  24. Kairi-Hearts Nov 09, 2008

    (Sakupyon XD)
    well, it's absolutely gorgeous *_*
    I saw it at AP first since I've been lazy to log in MT ^_^'
    I'm really liking the coloring for this one and the pendant is so pretty!

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